Categories: My Garden

Wollemia Nobilis – The Wollemi Pine Evergreen Specimen Plant

Wollemia Nobilis, the Wollemi Pine is an evergreen tree recently found in Australia. The specimen is a living fossil, with few close living relatives. Until the plant’s recent re-discovery in 1994, the Wollemi Pine was thought to have been extinct with specimens only known in the fossil record.

The discovery of the Wollemi Pine

The Wollemia Nobilis, despite being one of the world’s oldest tree forms was only recently re-discovered in 1994. The plant was discovered in the Wollemi National Park, 200km to the West of Sydney, Australia. The plant was discovered by David Nobel, a wildlife officer of the NSW National Parks.

Since the discovery of the existence of the Wollemi Pine, the exact location of the discovered specimens has been kept a closely guarded secret. This has been a deliberate policy, so as to protect the plants from excessive attention and from the hands of botanical hunters.

The plant since its discovery has been cultivated and had specimens sent to many of the world’s major research and conservation centres, including in the UK, Kew Gardens. After the initial wave of research specimens had been sent to various botanical gardens around the world, the Wollemia Nobilis has been cultivated in commercial conditions and made available to the gardening public.

Growing a Wollemi Pine Specimen

Given that there are less than 100 mature specimens of the Wollemi Pine known to be in existence, growing a specimen in the garden is the perfect way to help the conservation of the Wollemia Nobilis.

Cost and Buying a Wollemi Pine – The Wollemi Pine is now available from a wide range of garden centres and specialist nurseries. Since the plant’s introduction into the commercial sphere prices have started to fall. However, the plant remains a rarity for the time being and as such specimens can be expensive. Expect to pay around ¬£40 for a three litre specimen.

Soil and conditions – The Wollemi Pine will do well in any reasonable quality soil, suitable for shrubs and trees. Specimens will do best in a soil which is free draining and slightly acidic. The Wollemi Pine does not like waterlogged conditions. The Wollemi Pine is a hardy specimen and should survive an average winter in Northern Europe, without additional protection.

Pruning – The Wollemi Pine is naturally a self-coppicing plant, as such the plant responds well to hard pruning. The Wollemi Pine also has a vigorous rate of growth, meaning that a plant will recover quickly from a hard prune. Gardeners may however, wish to avoid pruning, if a single trunk specimen is to be grown.

The great experiment – The biggest reason for planting a Wollemi Pine may be that to do so is to take part in one of the greatest botanical experiments of all time. Given that the Wollemi Pine has only been commercially available since 2007, not all of the variables are yet known. As such, by planting and experimenting with a Wollemi Pine, the gardener is able to contribute to the knowledge of the Wollemi Pine in some small way.

Read more on gardening:

How to Read Plant Labels

Acid Loving Plants

How to Plant a Versailles Planter


Petherick, T. 2007. Trees that shape the world. Quadrille Publishing.

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