Many gardeners suffer through the long dark cold winter, missing their outdoor flowers– the colors, the fragrance, the lush growth, the warm sunshine — and wishing desperately for spring. But there is an alternative to the misery: grow an indoor flower garden.
Most of our beloved garden flowers do not do very well indoors where the light levels are just too low in winter even on the sunniest of window sills, and many others simply refuse to bloom without specific day length or temperature requirements. This means we must turn to the selected house plants or flowering plants that will tolerate indoor conditions and bloom nonetheless. Consider a few of these winter bloomers to satisfy your winter flower cravings.
Table of Contents
Held Over Outdoor Container Plants Bloom in Winter, too
Flowering Florist Plants for Winter Display
Purchase a few flowering florist plants in full bloom such as the Hydrangeas, Azaleas, and Cyclamen – while their blooms may be fleeting and the plants are typically discarded afterwards, these stellar performers offer a lot of flower power.
And by all means continue to enjoy the blooms – the colorful bracts – on those holiday poinsettias!
Why not keep that green thumb going and become an inside grower this winter, be it on the windowsill or in a greenhouse or under lights, and tend at least a few of these fun and easy and rewarding flowers for winter color and bright cheer!
more FLOWER GARDENS ARTICLES and FLOWER GARDENS BLOGS Copyright January 8 2008 Barbara Martin All Rights Reserved
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