Golden Threadleaf False Cypress (Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aurea’) – Hardy zones 4-8 although in zone 8 heat may be a factor if planted in full sun. A beautiful specimen planting, this false cypress has golden weeping foliage that adds a sparkle to the garden all year. Prefers well-drained soil and full sun or part shade (deeper shade may cause the foliage to turn green instead of golden). It’s height at 7 years is listed at 5-10′ and at 20 years a maximum of 15′. This weeping form falsecypress was a Missouri Botanical Garden Plant of Merit award winner and it is obvious why.
Aurea Weeping Boxwood (Buxus sempervirens ‘Aurea Pendula’) – Hardy to zone 5. The ‘Aurea Pendula’ is a variegated form of the common or European boxwood that already provides interest through variegated evergreen foliage, but is also a weeping form. The leaves are dark with golden yellow markings throughout and the branches are gently arched to create unique weeping growth habit unlike most boxwoods. These boxwoods are shallow rooted so use caution when weeding near them, and they prefer neutral soil but will tolerate slight variances in either direction. Sun dappled shade is preferred.
Chansonette Weeping Camellia (Camellia sasanqua `Chansonette`) – Hardy zones 6b-11. A beautiful evergreen shrub, the Camellia is a long time favorite for acidic soil gardens. However, this weeping form camellia is compact enough to grow in a large container because it only grows 2-3′ tall by 5′ wide so if your soil isn’t right for camellias you can still amend a container’s worth and enjoy this long-lived beauty. Lovely planted in a singly or in a mass, the glossy green leaves hold interest year round while the bright rose-pink flowers are beautiful double forms suitable for cutting arrangements. Winter flowers make this weeping camellia an especially nice cultivar as the cascading blooms will be on display from October through December. This cascading camellia prefers full sun to part shade. Read more about Camellia care and cultivars.
False Cypress ‘Gold Mop’ (Chamaecypari pisifera ‘Mops’) – Hardy in zones 4-8. Unlike the broadleaf evergreen above, this false cypress has scale covered leaves that are thin and flexible, like a mop, giving it the common name. Compact and graceful, this cypress will grow a maximum of 5′ tall and wide but would take a decade or more to reach that size. The ‘Gold Mop’ false cypress holds its golden color better than most other gold cypress, especially when planted in full sun although it will tolerate part shade. In northern zones some winter burning can harm the pendulous foliage but it will soon recover in the spring.
Dwarf American Clarendon Spreading Holly (Ilex opaca ‘Clarendon Spreading’) Hardy in zones 5-9. This American holly is unusual in that it has a low, compact, cascading growth habit and larger evergreen leaves than most other American hollies. This spreading holly will produce red berries each year and never grow taller than 3′ making it an excellent holly choice even in small garden spaces. This broadleaf evergreen, cascading shrub has large, glossy leaves that are deep green color all year long.
Weeping Threadleaf Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis ‘Filiformis’) – Hardy zones 3-7 this arborvitae is a most unusual weeping form. The thin, evergreen foliage is filamentous and drooping with little branching horizontally. Dense and beautiful this shrub grows to a mature size of 3-4′ tall and wide. Preferring full sun this evergreen shrub would look beautiful weeping beside a water feature or as an accent specimen. It is the long, thread like strands of foliage that give this evergreen its common name.
See other plants with weeping form.
Or find out how to use plants with interesting silhouettes for winter interest.
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