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Use Shrubs to Create Privacy Fencing

Creating a privacy fence using shrubs will not only beautify your property, it may increase its value. Depending on the type you plant and the height at maturity, shrubs will create privacy areas around the patio and pool. PennState Department of Horticulture suggests that you research major pest problems and cultural requirements in your area before you buy and plant shrubs. First ask yourself what you want the fence to accomplish and if the shrubs are compatible with your hardiness zone. Then purchase those best suited to your purpose.

Deciduous Shrubs that Form Fencing

Shrubs come in two varieties: Evergreen and Deciduous. During the fall, deciduous shrubs drop their leaves. The leaves of most deciduous shrubs have brilliant fall colors. The Bottlebrush shrub, for instance, is a deciduous shrub that during winter has brightly colored leaves. Bottlebrushes produce bright red flowers that resemble long brushes. The Bottlebrush grows 3 to 6 feet tall in Zones 7 through 10. The flower is popular for preserving and mixing with live and dried flower arrangements.

Evergreen Shrubs that Form Privacy Fencing

Evergreen shrubs are classified as broadleaf or narrow-leaf. According to Colorado State University, “Evergreen plants that do not have needle-like foliage are known as broadleaved evergreens.” Broadleaved varieties include the American Holly which can grow 50 feet tall. American Holly produces dense foliage and red berries. Holly leaves are recognized symbols during the Christmas season. Hollies grow well in Zones 5 through 7.

Narrow-leaf shrubs (coniferous) with needle-like foliage include pines, spruce, juniper, cypresses, false cypresses, hemlocks, cedars, arborvitaes, and fir. Coniferous shrubs provide color and texture among winter-bare trees and stand perfect against a backdrop of snow. Narrow-leaf shrubs grow in all hardiness zones.

Flowering Shrubs that Form Privacy Fence

Flower shrubs require little care other than watering and occasional pruning. Flower shrubs can be deciduous or evergreen. Among some of the most popular flower shrubs are roses with colors ranging from white to ruby red that attract butterflies. Forsythias grow 8 to 12 feet and produce yellow flowers. Hydrangeas come in a variety of colors and the color changes with the soil pH content. Lilacs attract butterflies and bees and need full sun.

Edible Berry Shrubs that Form Privacy Fencing

Although most edible berry shrubs are deciduous, with some pruning they make excellent fences. Elderberry, blueberry, currants, and gooseberry bushes flower and the fruit attracts birds and people. Berries with thorny brambles, such as blackberries and red raspberries grown as a fence or hedge will keep cats, dogs, and other wildlife out of the yard. Berries from these shrubs make good jams and jellies.

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