Categories: My Garden

The Plight of Industrial Hemp

Industrial hemp is perhaps the most misunderstood plant in modern time. While it is commonly associated with the drug marijuana, it is actually very different from the smokable drug variety. Despite the differences between hemp and its cousin marijuana, the industrial variety is illegal as well. This means that the United States must depend on outside sources for all of its industrial hemp needs.

The Difference Between Hemp and Marijuana

In scientific classification of species, plants and animals are assigned into families, each of which is called a genus. Both industrial hemp and marijuana are part of the same genus, called Cannabis. Likewise the western lowlands gorilla and the mountain gorilla share a genus.

To say that these two different species of gorilla are exactly alike is ludicrous; there many are important differences that set them apart. This is also true for industrial hemp and marijuana.

Perhaps the most important difference is the chemical content of the two plants. Both plants contain two active ingredients. One of these chemical compounds, THC, has psychoactive side effects, which produce the “high” associated with marijuana use. The other ingredient, CBD, is antipsychoactive, and it counteracts the THC.

While both varieties of Cannabis contain both of these chemicals, it is the amounts that each type contains that makes the difference between the two. Marijuana has a high amount of THC and a low amount of CBD. Industrial hemp has a small amount of THC and a high concentration of CBD. This ratio of chemicals makes it impossible to become intoxicated from smoking industrial hemp.

Another important difference between the two plants is the length of the fibers. Industrial hemp has long, tough fibers that make is very strong and ideal for creating things like rope. In contrast, the fibers of the marijuana plant are short and delicate, making it useless for industrial applications.

Uses for Industrial Hemp

Hemp is used in the production of many products. Its fibers are strong and are often used to make rope or string. It is a popular craft supply, used for macrame and other creative projects. It also makes paper that is much more durable than paper made from wood. (It is also a more renewable resource, so paper made from hemp is more eco-friendly.)

The oils of the plant are used in many beauty and skincare products. It is popularly used in lotions and creams for extremely dry skin, including lip balms.

Many of these products are sold in the United States, and some even made in the US after the plants have been harvested and processed into raw materials elsewhere. 100% of the hemp used for industrial applications in the United States must be imported.

The inability of the United States government to differentiate between an illicit drug and a harmless, useful plant is unfortunate.


Hemp and Marijuana Myths & Realities by David P. West, Ph.D. (

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