Categories: My Garden

The Honey Bee Crisis

Read my most current article about “The Honey Bee Crisis of 2007.” There is a crisis underway but few people know about it. An estimated 40-60 percent of honey bees in the United States died or were severely weakened in 2005. California has the largest beekeeping industry and lost 50 percent of their honey bees in 2005. State governments, and even other countries (notably Australia), responded to the crisis of 2005, but it remains to be seen how agriculture will fare in 2006.

While the US weathered the honey bee crisis of 2005, the varoa mite, unseasonably warm winter temperatures (tricking bees into thinking it was spring), and higher prices for bee pollination continue to affect American agriculture in 2006. According to a March 8, 2006 article in BBC News, Almond Farmers Seek Healthy Bees, “…in 2004, beekeepers could get, on average, $54 for every hive they sent to almond groves in California. Last year, prices peaked at about $85, and in 2006 there are reports of owners charging more than $150.” That increased cost, along with higher gas prices for trucking, will be passed along to consumers.

The unprecedented honey bee destruction has been blamed on the varroa mite. According to most authorities, the mites have become resistent to pesticides. Originating in Asia, the mite became a problem in the US two decades ago.

Many fruit, nut, vegetable, legume, and seed crops depend on pollination. Pollination is “the transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of a plant or flower in the process of fertilization. Pollination occurs when insects brush against and pick up the pollen from one flower and then carry it to another flower.”¬π

Per U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics:

  • One-third of the human diet is derived directly or indirectly from insect-pollinated plants.
  • 80 percent of insect pollination is accomplished by honey bees.

Other insects that accomplish the remaining 20% of pollination are also drastically reduced.²

The honey bee shortage affects apple growers in Virginia, almond growers in California (which produces 80% of global almond supply), and watermelon growers in Florida.

Some crops that require pollination are: apples, avocados, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, cucumbers, melons, oranges, grapefruit, pumpkins, squash, sunflowers, tangerines, and watermelon. Also, forage plants like clover and alfalfa need pollination (and cows need clover).

Perhaps the greatest value of honey bee pollination is seeds destined for worldwide distribution: 20 vegetables produce seeds only if their flowers are pollinated.¬≤ Direct and indirect effects cannot be estimated: ornamental shrubs and trees, wild plants (on which wild animals and birds forage), beeswax, honey…

Unless the honey bee shortage is rectified, the United States may suffer a shortage in quantity and quality of pollinated crops, beef and dairy products. Already, it means higher prices. This may be great news for commodities traders, but it’s bad news for families. Additionally, it would have a ripple effect in the world economy and global seed supplies.

There’s an old farmer’s saying: “Nature gives first warnings.” Let’s hope there is a speedy solution to the honey bee shortage, and that scientists figure out what other factors might be at work.

What can you do to help?

  • Encourage beekeeping in your community.
  • The American Beekeeping Federation has established a research and education foundation to collect private funds and direct them to bee research.
  • Make pesticide applications to your vegetable gardens and any plants when bees are not present in the garden, usually at dusk or after dark. Consider natural pest control methods.
  • Spread the word.

2007 Honey Bee Crisis and Global Insect Pollinator Losses Update

Read my most current article about “The Honey Bee Crisis of 2007.”

Read my science news article about a scientific study showing massive insect pollinator losses in UK and Europe


¬πSee Honey Bee Pollination Crisis at The American Beekeeping Federation website.

¬≤Don’t Underestimate The Value of Honeybees, University of California at Davis

Cooking With Honey

“Honey-Brined Chicken is an easy update to your average roasted chicken but the results are anything but average. Simply combine water, honey, salt, lemon slices and herbs and immerse the chicken in the brine, soaking for 12 to 18 hours. Then remove and roast as usual. The results are a plumper, moister and juicier chicken – even the leftovers will taste better! If you don’t have time to brine, mix honey with equal parts olive oil or mustard and brush on meats as they grill. The honey adds a wonderful flavor and helps meat brown evenly.”

—Courtesy The National Honey Board

Gardener’s Tip: Pure honey is said to cure many ailments and prevent diseases. Ancient Egyptians advised putting it on wounds because of its antiseptic properties.

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