Categories: My Garden

Summer Blooming Annuals

Since annual plants die back each year in order to enjoy their bright flowers again next year, gardeners will either need to plant them again in the spring, or sow the seeds at the appropriate time. With so much happening in a single season, annual plants often grow very quickly and are useful for filling in bare spots between young shrubs or perennials.

Here are some of the top annuals for summer color.

Cleome (Cleome hasslerana) – Part shade. Cleome is also known as ‚”spider flower” because of the unique flower-cluster shape. Cleome’s summer flowers last for weeks and in moderate areas will bloom until first frost. The summer flowers turn into long seed capsules that are attractive throughout the winter. Self-sowing can occur so once you sow seed the first fall, you should continue to enjoy these graceful and unusual summer flowers for years to come.

Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) – Full sun. Cheerful looking and easy to grow these bright summer annual flowers also attract butterflies. Cosmos flowers are a good choice for summer cutting garden or for a child’s first garden because of the way they grow so quickly from seed. Sow seed directly outdoors in the spring after danger of frost to enjoy a bounty of summer blooms.

Impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) – Full sun to part shade. Most impatiens will produce flowers beginning in the summer if you start them from seed. Impatiens are available in a wide variety of colors and will provide a strong summer showing if you purchase healthy plants. Provide impatiens with lots of water but otherwise the only other maintenance that may be needed is light summer pruning.

Lobelia (Lobelia erinus) – Full sun to part shade. Not to be confused with the perennial Lobelia, known as cardinal flower, the annual lobelia is a common plant for summer containers. Lobelia’s full, rounded growth habit makes it a great filler for a hanging basket or flower pot and the bright blue or white flowers are attractive for many weeks. Sow annual lobelia early in spring or set out bedding plants in early summer.

Nasturtium (Tropeolum majus) – Full sun. A favorite hanging basket annual, nasturtium plants can have a trailing habit that is pleasing, and bright, edible flowers that last all summer long. The colorful summer flowers also attract butterflies and hummingbirds so plant them near a kitchen window or other location where you can enjoy the animals that come to visit. The large rounded leaves are very attractive but can attract aphids so check the undersides of the foliage.

Zinnia (Zinnia angustifolia) – Full sun. Another popular choice for kids garden, the zinnia has large, summer flowers that are a delight. Classic zinnias are drought and heat tolerant making them a long-lasting choice for summer blooms. Zinnias grow best in well-drained, moderate soil and are grown easily from seed sown outdoors after last frost date or started early indoors.

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