Categories: My Garden

Suitable Plants for Seaside Gardens

Having a seaside garden can be a blooming success if the correct plants, shrubs and trees are chosen in the first place. A look around the neighboring gardens can reveal a lot about successful plants. It can also reveal the failures and these failures are most likely due to factors which can be controlled, namely the seaside garden conditions.

Controlling Seaside Garden Conditions

Shelter from strong seaside winds can be provided by planting windbreakers and using trellis or some sort of screen. Seaside soil tends to be more alkaline than acidic. However; this is not always the case so test the soil with a pH testing kit. On a scale of 0 – 14 neutral is 7; less than this is acidic and above this is alkaline. The pH can be adjusted by adding ground limestone if it is too acidic and by adding organic compost containing leaves, shredded paper and peat moss if it is too alkaline. Most garden centers display the required pH on the plant labels to avoid confusion and disappointment.

Plants Suitable for Seaside Gardens

  • Atriplex. An evergreen shrub commonly called Saltbush. It can grow quite large, up to 7ft. with a spreading crown. It blooms from May to September with green flowers on the male plant and yellow on the female. It is perennial and drought tolerant.
  • Achillea. Also called Common Yarrow; this plant is perennial and blooms in pink, white or yellow clusters in June with a second blooming period in September, if it is dead-headed after the initial blooms have faded. It can become invasive so it should be divided every second year. It is loved by butterflies. It likes temperatures similar to U.S. zones 3-10.
  • Cordyline. Cordyline Red Star with its sword-like leaves is an eye-catcher in zones 6-10 and it likes to be beside the seaside. It grows to about 6ft. tall.
  • Fuchsia. Fuchsia is an easy shrub to grow and it flourishes in U.S zones 7-10, also zone 6 if the site is chosen carefully. One of the best fuchsia shrubs for the seaside garden is Fuchsia Mrs. Popple. It likes full sun to partial shade and it blooms throughout the summer and autumn. It has dark green leaves and violet/purple blooms.
  • Hydrangea. This ornamental shrub with its large clusters of flowers likes zone 6-8 type of temperature and plenty of water. It can reach 6ft but can be pruned in early spring or late autumn if the temperature is not too low. In alkaline soil the flowers will be pink and in acid they will be blue. Remove spent blooms regularly. Hydrangeas like a well drained soil.
  • Pittosporum. This evergreen shrub is a favorite with gardeners. It does well in coastal gardens and enjoys the same conditions as Hydrangea. Pittosporum Tom Thumb is a good choice. It is a compact, evergreen shrub with light green leaves in the spring which turn purple in the autumn. It grows well in patio containers.
  • Yucca. Gardeners should remember when considering a Yucca that some of these shrubs are trees and can grow to 25ft or more. Yucca shrubs are ideal for architectural use or to add a tropical feature to the garden and Yucca filamentosa is perfect for seaside cultivation. It is evergreen with blade-like, sharp pointed leaves. It blooms in July and August and it likes temperatures as in zones 5-10, occasionally it is seen in zone 4.

Seaside gardens present many challenges to the gardener, but by using the correct design of the garden landscape, and choosing plants that are suited to the seaside environment, these challenges can be overcome to produce a successful seaside garden.

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