Categories: My Garden

Stokes’ Aster for Sustainable Gardens

The summer blooming perennial plant, Stokesia laevis is native to the southern United States and hardy in zones 5 – 9. The oblong leaves are edged with toothed margins. The solitary flowers are lavender blue and approximately four inches across. Stokes’ aster grows 12″ to 24″ tall.

These plants thrive in full sun and well draining soil, especially needed in regions where freeze-thaw cycles occur. For plants in zone 5, providing a layer of winter mulch is beneficial.

Stokes’ Aster ‘Purple Pixie’

Stokesia laevis ‘Purple Pixie’ is a new cultivar and at 9″ to 11″ tall stays small enough for container and other small gardens. The fragrant violet blue flower is smaller than the species, but like its relative attracts butterflies and hummingbirds and makes an excellent cut flower.

The mounding plant grows best in full sun and well draining soil. Especially because this plant tolerates summer heat, containers with Stokes’ Aster should be watered daily. Stokes’ Asters are low maintenance plants but deadheading should be done to encourage reblooming and maintaining a neat appearance.

Companion Planting with Stokes’ Asters

Growing drought tolerant plants or native perennials such as Stokes’ Asters in a xeriscape or wildflower garden is an easy way to develop sustainability in the garden. For instance, the lavender blue of Stokes’ Aster looks excellent planted near the yellow-flowered fine-leaved Coreopsis or Hemerocallis with its trumpet flowers and strap-like leaves.

The summer blooming Stokes’ Aster plant is more compact than the purple asters blooming in autumn. Planted together, they will provide sequential flowering from summer through late fall.

The blue spires of Veronica will complement the light yellow flowers of Stokesia laevis ‘Mary Gregory’ and thrive in similar growing conditions. This plant grows to 1 ½’ tall.

The blue flowers of ‘Omega Skyrocket’ make good cut flowers; the plant reaches 3′ tall. Another way to encourage sustainability is to group plants with similar cultural or maintenance needs, which these plants help accomplish.

Sustainable Gardening

Sustainable gardening describes a philosophy of growing plants in any region. Xeriscape gardening primarily focuses on conserving water and is associated with very warm climates or desert areas. But xeriscape gardens are cared for with similar techniques seen in sustainable gardening.

Other garden techniques such as grouping plants together with similar needs, amending soil with organic matter, minimal use of supplemental fertilizer and water or irrigating efficiently to lessen waste fosters a sustainable garden. ‚”Right plant right place” is a frequent mantra used by gardeners who grow sustainable gardens.

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