Deciduous shrubs loose their leaves during the winter so in the dormant season they don’t add a lot of weight to the garden. Often the shrubs silhouette is pleasing in the winter.
The time these for shrubs really shine and become a focal point in the garden is a favorite season for many gardeners: when the first spring flowers appear. These are all deciduous shrubs with beautiful, spring blooms.
Azalea (Rhododendron spp.) – A familiar and beloved spring-flowering shrub, Azalea shrubs native to North America are deciduous. There are about 15 species of deciduous azaleas ranging in size from 3-10′ and many named cultivars. They prefer slightly acidic soil, dappled shade and are generally hardy zones 5-10.
Some popular deciduous azaleas include: R. canescens ‘Biltmore’, a popular white flowered specimen; R. alabamense ‘Nancy Callaway’, a compact 3′ tall selection of the Alabama Azalea; and R. austrinum ‘Firecracker’, a glowing orange-red flowering cultivar of the Florida Azalea that grows as tall as 12′.
Red Twig Dogwood (Cornus sericea ‘Isanti’) – Hardy zones 3-10 the dogwood is one of my personal favorite deciduous shrubs. The lovely white spring flowers are only one season of attraction in this cultivar which also sports bright red twigs during the winter months that are highly attractive. The red twig dogwood is used in winter flower arrangements. The shrub grows to about 6′ tall and wide and looks great planted in masses – both during the winter when the colored bark stands out and during the spring when the clusters of white flowers are so beautiful. Dogwoods prefer partial shade or sun.
Forsythia Meadowlark (Forsythia ‘Meadowlark’) – Hardy zones 3-9 this forsythia is a compact 6-8′ tall with dark yellow flowers that appear in early spring. Often one of the first shrubs to bloom in the spring with masses of spring flowers that look great with multiple shrubs planted together or plant one forsythia as a focal point in an early spring border. Another hardy cultivar is Forsythia ‘Northern Gold’ which can withstand winters to zone 3 also.
President Lincoln Lilac (Syringa vulgaris ‘President Lincoln’) – A standard among spring blooming shrubs, lilac bushes are long adored for the graceful flower trusses and sweet fragrance. The ‘President Lincoln’ is a deciduous shrub that is extremely hardy in zones 2-7 and, like all the S. vulgaris, ‚”Old Fashioned” lilacs, has strongly scented flowers each spring. A single flower cluster cut and placed in a vase will nearly perfume the entire house. Expect these deciduous shrubs to grow between 12-15′ tall and watch for suckers if the lilac plant is grown on its own root.
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