Categories: My Garden

Short Garden Quotes and Sayings

Whether you need a garden inspired saying in a style that is traditional or contemporary, humorous or profound, irreverently witty, or silly and fun, you can probably find the perfect brief quote to express your feelings here. This collection of phrases and lines offers a wide selection of sentiments and inspirational thoughts, all on a garden theme and many quite apt for use in garden décor – or home décor following a garden theme. Use these brief but pithy words and snippets on signs, plaques, art pieces, or garden themed craft projects. Also see Garden Phrases Quips Quotes and Clips for additional short and sweet garden related sayings from humorous to serious. If you need a longer quotation or more poetic turn of phrase, you might also check out the compendium entitled Garden Poetry and Quotes: Sayings and Sentiments for Life, Inspiration and Happiness which offers a slightly more traditional list of sayings and slightly longer quotations about gardens, gardening and nature. Enjoy!

Garden Sayings to Inspire

Many introspective gardeners find inspiration and solace in their gardening and there are sayings to reflect that.

  • Bloom where you are planted!
  • Cultivate the garden within
  • Flowers feed the soul

Gardeners are the Ultimate Optimists: Words to Live By

Many little quotes express the grand, bold hope and optimism so many gardeners feel. What could be more an act of faith than planting a seed?

  • To plant a garden is to believe in the future
  • All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of yesterday
  • All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today

A Rose is a Rose is a Rose: Quotes about Roses

It’s not too surprising that the rose, the favorite flower of all time and perhaps the most widely recognized flower among gardeners and non gardeners alike, is the subject of many popular garden quotes.

  • A rose by any other name would smell so sweet
  • Stop and smell the roses
  • Take time to smell the roses

Phrases Showing Garden Humor

Whether it is due to spending so much time essentially face down in the dirt, or if it is borne of humility developed through the trial and error process that is gardening, or if it is the shared feeling of humanity in the face of nature, gardeners know how to laugh at themselves. Here are a few examples.

  • Gardeners know the best dirt
  • If friends were flowers, I’d pick you
  • Mom’s flowers…Dad’s Weeds

Garden Sayings about Weeds and Weeding

Weeds are apparently a huge preoccupation for many gardeners, a source of consternation and a subject of discussion. How you view weeds and weeding might be worthy of either a little prayer or perhaps a pithy thought.

  • Bless My Weeds
  • Old weeds never die … they just go to seed
  • Weed ‘um and reap!
  • Give a Weed an Inch and it’ll Take A Yard
  • Garden of Weedin’
  • Weeds 4 Sale — U-Pick

Mottos and Existential Thoughts in the Garden

Some gardeners are so obsessed with the activity that they are defined by it. This phenomenon gives rise to sayings such as these.

  • I garden, therefore I am
  • As is the gardener, so is the garden
  • Old gardeners never die, they just go to seed
  • Old gardeners never die, they just go to pot
  • Old gardeners never die, they just spade away

There are so many garden related sayings and quotes, every gardener is bound to find just the perfect phrase to express their feelings and views, be the mood serious or silly, grand or humble.


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