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Potatoes – How to Grow Great Potatoes in Your Vegetable Garden

After selecting interesting varieties and determining the proper time to plant, certain planting methods can help to insure big yields.

Selecting Potato Varieties

Some gardeners have great success with whole, or pieces of potatoes, they enjoy from their local market, to use as seed potatoes. There is another school of thought that believes that it is much more likely to have a disease free crop, and big yield, by purchasing seed stock for starting potatoes. One advantage of ordering seed potatoes through mail-order garden companies is that they often have many gourmet and heirloom varieties which are not available at most grocery stores. Seed potatoes from these sources will also come with helpful growing information, in particular days-to-harvest so good varieties can be selected for almost any climate zone.

Potato Growing Tip

Seed potatoes have a definite ordering season and sell out at many venders far in advance of the season. It is important to contact venders early and find out the best time to order in advance for growing selected varieties. If necessary, seed potatoes can be stored in the refrigerator for a couple of months before planting.

The following are sources of seed potatoes.

Potato Garden

Irish Eyes Garden Seeds

Territorial Seed Company

Seeds of Change

High Mowing Organic Seeds

Wood Prairie Farm

When to Plant

Particularly in areas that have hot summers, it is important to plant potatoes early, and to choose varieties that mature in early or mid-season. Since it takes potatoes two to three weeks to emerge from the ground, the earliest time to plant seed potatoes is two weeks before the last anticipated freeze date. Last anticipated freeze dates can be found at NOAA Satellite and Information Service

Planting for Success

About a week before the planting date, bring the seed potatoes out of the refrigerator, and place them in a bright warm window. This will help break the potatoes dormancy, and assure they will grow quickly when they are put into the cool spring soil.

There are two components of bed preparation for planting potatoes. One is the preparation of the soil in which the potatoes are planted, and the other is the mulching above the level that the potatoes are planted. Potatoes are heavy feeders, and will respond dramatically to good fertile soil. Six inches of well tilled soil with the addition of high quality compost and peat and/or vermiculite or perlite as needed to improve drainage, air/gas exchange and water retention is sufficient.

Potato Growing Tip

Work some organic fertilizer like alfalfa and/or fish meal into the soil and consider fertilizing with a suitable fertilizer like fish and seaweed emulsion at intervals during the growing season.

After preparing the soil, cover the seed potatoes with two to three inch layer of loose mulch. As the potato plants grow, continue to add mulch to cover 70-80% of the plants at two week intervals. At this stage some straw may be used with the mulch as a good low cost alternative. This is done by piling up the straw and mulch to make a growing mound for each row of plants. Potatoes will form at the leaf junctions that were buried within the mound.

Potato Growing Tip

On the patio, or in the greenhouse, potatoes can be grown in large deep containers. Plant the seed potatoes on top of six inches of good soil and cover with two to three inches of mulch. As plants grow continue to add mulch and straw until the container is full.


Close to the maturity date for the plants, search to check on development by reaching in from the side of the mound at various levels. Small potatoes are a delicacy and some can be harvested while still small. Others can be allowed to grow to full maturity. If stored in a dark cool environment, potatoes can supply food for some time after the final harvest.


Growing Potatoes at Home Website Accessed August, 10 2010

Potato Website Accessed August, 10 2010

Digging for Gold (or purple) Potatoes Website Accessed August, 10 2010

Potatoes are Easy to Grow Vegetables Website Accessed August, 10 2010

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