Categories: My Garden

Poinsettia for Vibrant Festive Season Color

Although poinsettia plants are native to Mexico where they grow to almost tree like proportions and color mountainsides with their fiery crimson glory, they are most notably grown and sold now as Christmas houseplants. For about six to eight weeks they hold pride of place as festive decorations.

Poinsettia History

It was first introduced into America in the early 19th century, and now it is grown worldwide as the favorite Christmas flower. Its popularity at Christmas is only surpassed by the Christmas tree. Euphorbia pulcherrima is the botanical name for Poinsettia.

Buying a Poinsettia

At Christmastime there will be no shortage of outlets selling poinsettias: garden centers, petrol stations, corner shops and high street emporiums will all have a vast quantity of plants to choose from but not all of them will last through the holiday season.

  • When buying a poinsettia look for a fresh green plant. Remember a poinsettia starts out green and changes color as it matures.
  • Do not buy plants with limp or curling leaves – these plants have been over-watered and they will invariably disappoint. Avoid soggy plants.
  • Poinsettias are often displayed in a clear polythene sleeve and this should be removed in order to inspect the plant before buying it. A reputable outlet with proper plant care intentions will have this removed before the buyer arrives.
  • Look for plants with a full appearance and not just one crowned with a few leaves.
  • If the plant appears healthy it probably is but if leaves drop or droop while it is being examined it should be replaced and another plant selected.

Caring for a Poinsettia

While bringing the poinsettia home it is important to protect it from the cold. Before it leaves the shop it should be put back into its plastic sleeve which should be sealed to keep out the cold air. Get the plant to its new home without delay and once there remove it from its sleeve to allow it to breathe freely. To prolong the life of a poinsettia it is well to remember the word “W.I.L.T.”

  • Water. Both over-watering and under-watering can have disastrous effect on a poinsettia. Many plants are sold in silver-foil wrapping and this should be removed to allow the plant to drain properly. Do not leave the plant to sit in water. Water it over a sink and let it drain before placing it in a decorative pot. It is no harm to allow the plant to dry out between watering.
  • Insects. When buying a poinsettia check for insects; mealy bugs, whitefly and spider mites can all attack and as this is a seasonal purchase there is no point in trying to remedy the situation – just put the plant back and choose again.
  • Light. Poinsettias like a lot of light but not direct sunlight. A lack of light will cause the leaves to lose color.
  • Temperature. Poinsettias are tropical plants and like a steady temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, normal room temperature.

Poinsettias Colors

This festive plant is most readily recognized and available in fiery red but with modern cultivars it is also available in white, pink and yellow. The color of the leaf stem will indicate the eventual color of the leaf.

Are Poinsettias Poison?

At one time it was believed that Poinsettias were poisonous but this is a myth. It is true that some of the plants of the Euphorbia genus are toxic – the poinsettia is not one of them.

Poinsettia Cultivation

Poinsettias can be grown outdoors in temperatures found in U.S. zones 9-11 but even a light frost will ruin them. For indoor decorative pleasure it is best to buy new plants each Christmas.

Most Christmas traditions originated in Europe, but Poinsettias are one of the few New World festive season traditions. With their brilliant colors and Christmas blooms they add a vibrant and traditional feel to every home at Christmastime. Of course Poinsettias are not only for Christmas, but can be cultivated for outdoor use as well.

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