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Oxheart Tomatoes

There are numerous breeds of tomato aside from the round tomatoes found in most grocery stores and supermarkets. Oxheart tomatoes are a breed of tomato that are prized by gardeners and food-lovers alike for a number of reasons. So called because of their heart-like shape and large size, oxheart tomatoes can grow to be up to a pound in weight. Additionally, the tomatoes are fragrant and sweet, making them an excellent addition to many dishes.

Best Growing Areas for Oxheart Tomatoes

Oxheart tomatoes grow best in climates like that of Virginia’s; they need a great deal of sunlight and water to grow. A rich soil with balanced nutrients is also important for growing tomatoes, which are a rather nutrient-consuming crop. Oxheart tomatoes grow well in temperate climates with a moderate amount of rainfall.

As with many crops, properly irrigating the soil and making sure it drains well is important to the success of the crop’s growth. Even individual tomato plants require good drainage for good growth. Too much water around the roots of a plant can kill it. Additionally, oxheart tomato plants need to be staked so that they grow upright.

Oxheart tomatoes need full sunlight throughout the day to grow. Application of a balanced fertilizer can be beneficial in areas with dry or sandy soil, and regular watering can compensate for a dry growing season. Oxheart tomatoes can also be grown in pots or indoors, as in a greenhouse, which can extend their growing season greatly.

Appearance of Oxheart Tomatoes

One of the things that makes oxheart tomatoes so popular is their size. Large specimens can weigh up to a pound, which means there is a great deal of tomato to go around. Oxheart tomatoes range in color from light yellow to deep red and there are many shades of red and orange in between.

It usually takes around 80 days for tomatoes to be produced on oxheart tomato plants.

Caring for Oxheart Tomato Plants

Oxheart tomato plants are susceptible to droughts, weeds and pests, like most other garden and farming crops. Caring for these plants and ensuring that they are not damaged by ordinary threats will help increase the number of tomatoes produced. Additionally, oxheart tomato plants occasionally produce suckers, or small shoots that look like another baby plant; these can take nutrients away from the main plant and occasionally kill it. Trimming suckers is an important part of caring for oxheart tomatoes.

(Source: Charley’s Veggies)

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