These cool season vegetable greens are edible leaves able to be harvested during early stages of growth. Small edible leafy greens are called microgreens and baby greens, also able to be grown indoors near a sunny window.
Microgreens are small seedlings, approximately one to two inches tall. Gardeners should harvest after the first true leaves have formed.
Baby greens are small leafy greens, more mature than microgreens. Cut-and-come-again varieties are common examples and can be repeatedly harvested at immature stages.
The botanical name for lettuce is Lacfuca sativa. Examples of baby lettuces include:
Mustard Greens
Botanically known as Brassica juncea, mustard greens are large leaved plants when full-grown but can be harvested earlier. Mustard greens mixed with garden flowers make an interesting display in small raised bed or container gardens. Mustard vegetable seed ideas include:
More Ideas Growing Vegetables
Leafy greens can be planted in shallow containers. There should be a depth of, at least, four to six inches. Sow the seeds in a soiless mix and follow seed package directions.
A small wooden crate such as clementine oranges are purchased in, is one unusual container idea. The crate already has several holes in the bottom. Place the orange netting at the bottom of the crate to help hold the soil. This is a temporary way to grow short rooted vegetables but works, none-the-less.
The saucer of a large pot is an unconventional idea. Drill several drainage holes in the bottom or layer the bottom with gravel or small stones, then add soil.
These are temporary containers for growing baby or microgreens vegetable seeds. There are more ideas for growing new and unusual vegetables being made available this year, many suitable for growing in containers outside or indoors.
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