Categories: Garden Design

Landscape Design 101

Your flower garden does not exist in a vacuum. It grows in the context of your landscape. It should serve a function and complement existing features so it fits seamlessly into the scene.

Serving A Purpose

For example, plant flowers to:

  • provide a focal point adding curb appeal
  • bring fragrance and beauty to a seating area Plant a Fragrant Garden
  • pretty up a blank garage wall (viewed from the kitchen window)
  • surround a flag pole or bird feeder or mailbox (see below for example)
  • replace a hard-to-mow or failing lawn area


The flower garden should be integrated into the landscape so it seems to belong there naturally. Its size should be appropriate to the proportions of the overall space, so it neither overwhelms nor looks so tiny it is lost.

The flowerbed size and shape should echo or balance the dimensions and proportions of the dominant features in your landscape; and it should align with its neighbors. For example, the flower bed along the garage should run the length of the garage, the bed along your patio should extend the entire length of that. If the patio is huge, make your flower bed deep enough to visually balance the expanse of patio. A flowerbed along a walk should be wide enough to look pleasing. Too narrow and it will look skimpy, like a skinny row of marching soldiers.

Year Round Appeal

Think carefully about where you locate your flowerbed. It will draw the eye both winter and summer. In winter, bare soil topped with mulch can look bleak. In summer, colorful flowers will pull the eye right to that ugly mailbox.


Existing plantings can suggest a flower bed. For example, if you have a small tree or shrubbery, plant flowers beneath or in front. Select flowers that reflect a quality or characteristic of the woody plants, perhaps a woodland theme or a color theme. They could all bloom at once, or extend the display by using only flowers that peak at a different season than the shrubs.

Try It: Mail Box Flower Bed

Complement a decorative mailbox with small shrubs (for all season interest) and flowers. (Make sure you can reach the mail!) Integrate the bed into your landscape by using consistency:

  • Same plants/colors at the mailbox and by the front door or walk
  • Same hardscape (edging, step stones, mailbox style) as by the door or walk
  • Same style/shape of bed (formal/geometric or flowing/organic) as by the door/ or walk

Voila! You’re a garden designer — see Design With Confidence!

For more garden design tips and advice, see Flower Garden Design Series

Starting your first flower garden? Don’t miss Flower Garden Basics.

All Flower Gardens Articles So Far

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