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How to Care for Garden Tools in Winter

When it comes time to store garden tools for the winter, it is not a good idea to simply throw them in and shut the door. Proper care of tools means a longer life for the tools and less expense and work for the gardener.

Tools which are well cared for not only last longer, they are easier to use. A well sharpened and oiled tool will work for the gardener rather than the other way around.

Important garden tools include rakes, hoes, shovels, cultivators, pruners and hand tools like spades and forks. Of course, these are only the basic tools used in the garden but probably the most important ones.

When buying these garden essentials, the cost does matter. If the metal in these tools is stainless steel, it will not rust and this is a huge bonus when it comes to the upkeep. If tools are coated metal or carbon steel, it is certain that they will rust over time if stored in humid areas or left out in the weather.

Preparing garden tools for storage will take no longer than an afternoon.

Supplies Needed:

  • Gloves and Eye Protection
  • Steel Wool
  • Sand Paper
  • Wire Brush
  • Metal File
  • Soft Cloth, several (like old baby diapers or t-shirts)
  • Mineral Oil*
  • Vegetable Oil, (spray type like Pam® or store brand)
  • Buckets, 5 gallon size and smaller mop bucket
  • Sand (enough to fill buckets)

Always observe safety rules when working with sharp tools. Wear eye protection and heavy gloves.

Number of buckets needed depends on how many large tools will be stored. For instance, one bucket will hold three round-head shovels or one square-head shovel, a hoe and a couple of spades or pitch fork. They will stand in the buckets of sand through the winter. Fill buckets with sand, pour in one half gallon of mineral oil in each five gallon bucket of sand. Add one quarter gallon to a mop size bucket. *If expense is a concern, motor oil can be substituted for the mineral oil. Set buckets aside.

Tools which are covered in rust will need extra attention. Use a wire brush and sand paper to clean the rust off all metal parts. Those with less rust can be rubbed down with steel wool. Pay attention to screws, hinges, clasps and safety catches on tools. They should be free of dirt, debris and rust. Tighten loose parts and spray with vegetable oil. If tools need to be sharpened, do not spray parts with oil until after they have been sharpened.

If wooden handles are weather-worn they should be sanded and rubbed with mineral oil soaked cloth.

Sharpen blades of cutting tools. For more detail about sharpening garden tools see; “How to Sharpen Garden Tools” by David Radke. Repair or replace any broken parts.

Once tools are cleaned of dirt and rust, sharpened, repaired and re-assembled; spray screws, hinges, clasps and safety catches with oil. Sink larger tools in five gallon buckets of sand/oil mix up to wooden handles. Stick hand tools in smaller buckets of sand/oil mix. These buckets can be used year after year without replacing the sand if kept inside the garden shed out of the rain.

If there is no room in the garden shed for large buckets, a simple way to prevent rust on garden tools is to follow steps above with the exception of the sand/oil in buckets. Instead, spray tools with vegetable oil, rub oil onto all metal parts and store as usual.

Is there room in the garden shed for these freshly cleaned tools? If not, read; “How to Organize the Vegetable Garden Shed”

Want to know more about garden tools for the vegetable gardener? See this article; “Ten Tools for Vegetable Gardeners”

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