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Growing Tomato Plants 101: Tomato Staking

Staking growing tomato plants helps the plants stay upright instead of sagging down to the ground. Staking provides several benefits, one of which is that the limbs of the tomato plant are less likely to break in windy conditions. In addition, the lower limbs are kept off of the ground, which helps protect the growing tomato plant from diseases such as wilt and tomato blight. A variety of cages and other implements can be used to support a tomato plant, but tomato stakes work just fine.

Prune Before Staking Tomato Plants

Examine the base of the tomato plant and choose one or two of the largest diameter stems. Remove all remaining stems coming out of the soil using pruning shears. In addition, cut off all side shoots that are attached to the two main stems and located within 6 inches of the ground.

Pruning tomatoes in this manner creates a more compact bush, but also directs nutrients to the upper stems. The additional nutrients will cause increased flowering and fruit production.

Types of Tomato Supports for Growing Tomato Plants

There are many types of support systems for growing tomato plants. Some of the more popular tomato supports are tomato cages, tomato stakes and trellises. Although all of these will work as tomato supports, tomato stakes are the most basic and inexpensive option.

Choose tomato stakes that are approximately 1 inch in diameter and between 4 and 5 feet long. There are metal, wood and plastic varieties, all of which work fine. One advantage that the plastic stakes have is notches along the length which prevent the tape or string from slipping. Gardeners can insert the stakes soon after planting the tomatoes, although they aren’t required until the plant is approximately 1 foot high.

Inserting the Tomato Stakes

To insert the tomato stakes, place them 3 to 4 inches behind a tomato plant on the surface of the soil after planting. Tap the top of the stake with a hammer until it is at least one foot into the soil and secure. Cut off a piece of gardening tape and wrap the tape around the tomato plant starting 12 inches above the ground. Tie the two loose ends of the tape in a knot behind the tomato stake to secure it.

Tie additional pieces of gardening tape around the tomato plant at 12 to 14 inch intervals up the plant. As the tomato plant grows, monitor the positioning of the tape to ensure that it is not cutting into any of the stems. If the tape becomes tight, cut it off and replace it. Add additional pieces of tape along the top of the stake to support the new growth of the plant as needed.

Staking tomato plants throughout their growth cycle is an integral part of growing tomatoes and will ensure that the heavy tomatoes do not break the stems. In addition, it keeps the tomato stems off of the ground which can cause disease.

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