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Growing Organic Tomatoes

Whether used for salads, sauces or simply sliced for sandwiches or eaten alone, the flavorful taste of juicy homegrown tomatoes beats that of store bought tomatoes hands down. Homegrown tomato lovers eagerly anticipate garden fresh tomatoes and cannot wait to get them each year. Even those planting a vegetable garden for the first time will find it easy to reap of bountiful harvest of delicious, vine-ripened organic tomatoes by following a few simple tips.

Tomato Plants or Tomato Seeds

The decision of whether to grow tomatoes using tomato plants or seed is the first consideration in tomato gardening. Some have a decided preference for starting with tomato seed but others either for convenience or due to time constraints opt for tomato plants.

When planting seeds is the choice, the seeds should be started indoors about six to eight weeks before the last expected local spring frost date so that plants will be ready for transplanting to the garden on schedule. Renee’s Garden features an excellent primer on how to start tomato plants indoors complete with illustrative photos.

Preparing the Soil for Growing Tomatoes

Organic tomatoes are more flavorful and nutritional when grown in soil that is enriched with compost or other organic material. In one tomato growing trial conducted at Iowa State University, it was demonstrated that using compost increased overall yield by as much as 40 percent. Compost not only adds nutrients to the soil but improves drainage and boosts the immune systems of plants. When using compost, mix about two gallons of compost into each planting hole.

For those who do not compost garden waste and kitchen scraps, organic fertilizers are available from environmentally friendly garden suppliers. “Beet Root” and “Tomato-tone” are two good choices. Also there are organic all-purpose plant foods available that can be used.

Planting Organic Tomatoes

Planting times vary with USDA Hardiness Zones but a good rule of thumb is to move the plants to the garden about two weeks after the last local frost. Tomato plants prefer warm soil so plant them once outdoor temperatures remain in the range of 55 degrees (Fahrenheit) both night and day.

Dig planting holes large enough to accept the root balls of the plants and deep enough so that the entire stem is covered with soil up to where the leafy branches begin. Cover the stem with soil and firm it up enough to provide adequate support.

Water the plants thoroughly when planting and continue watering daily as needed to keep the soil moist for about three weeks to give the root systems time to develop.

Be Supportive of Tomato Plants

Tomato plants will thrive and produce better when the plants are supported. Using commercially available or homemade wire cages gives the plants the support they need that help to decrease susceptibility to insects and mold. The cages can be installed immediately after planting. After they are in place, adding mulch around the plants will help suppress weed growth and keep maintenance quick and easy.

A Word on Tomato Varieties

The veteran tomato planter likely already has favorite tomato varieties but for beginning gardeners, new to growing organic tomatoes, consider mixing varieties since some mature earlier than others. Among early red tomatoes, ‚”Early Girl” and ‚”Bush Beefsteak” are good choices, maturing in between 54 to 62 days. For the main crop of summer tomatoes, ‚”Better Boy” and ‚”Brandywine” are deserving of consideration.

Choosing between hybrids and open-pollinated heirloom varieties is a matter of personal choice and growing location. Many gardeners swear that the heirloom varieties have superior tastes, but the fact is hybrids are generally more productive and disease-resistant.


Pleasant, Barbara. “America’s Favorite Tomatoes.” Mother Earth News February/March 2008: 62-66. Print

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