Categories: Blog Roses

Growing Hybrid Teas and Floribunda Bush Roses

Think of roses and bush roses spring to mind. These are the most widely recognized rose in any garden and they are of two types, Hybrid Tea and Floribunda. Hybrid Tea roses are known for their single, distinct, big flower head and Floribunda roses are known for their multi-flowered displays. Bush roses are at home in any garden in beds and borders, in semi-shade and full sun and in terracotta pots on patios.

Bush Roses

Bush roses are often seen in formal plantings in large country-house estates and are prized for their long, continuous flowering season. Even in small gardens bush roses are a spectacular sight when planted in their own bed, however small. This individual planting gives the rosarian the distinct enjoyment and appreciation of each bloom for its own individual color, scent and form. Hybrid Tea roses can be either the familiar bush or standard. Standard roses are the same as bush roses except they are grown on a tall stem high above the surrounding shrubs and bushes.

Planting Bush Roses

There is nothing extraordinary about planting roses and the same method applies for all types.

  • Plant in semi-shade or full sun.
  • Give ample space to each rose and for bush roses – which can be classed as small, medium and large; the space between each rose should be: small 2ft., medium 2.5ft., and 3ft for the larger bushes.
  • Plant in a large hole with the stem-graft just below the surface of the soil. Water well during any dry season and feed regularly.

Favorite Hybrid Tea Bush Roses

Hybrid Tea roses are reliable and prolific and with a little encouragement they will bloom from the beginning to the end of summer. They are ideal for fragrant flowers and single classic blooms. Some favorite hybrid tea roses are:

  • Red Roses: For a deep red, quintessential bush rose there is little to beat ‚”Rosa Deep Secret“. This scarlet rose has an unrivaled fragrance for the romantic at heart and its flower heads are compacted with forty velvety petals. It can grow 3ft. High x 2ft. Wide.
  • Pink Roses: The delicate petals of pink roses are always welcome and one of the finest is ‚”Rosa Radio Times“. It is the purest of pink roses grown against dark green foliage and its perfume is superb. Even though it is a high grower, up to 5ft. it still suits small gardens because it is can look stunning at the back of flower beds.
  • White Roses: In U.S. zones 5 to 10 and when planted in full sun it is difficult to beat the much loved ‚”Rosa White Masterpiece“. It is grown for its dark green foliage and magnificent double flowers. However, it is only slightly scented.

Among the myriad of bush roses available other delightful choices are: ‚”Rosa Silver Jubilee“, salmon-pink color. ‚”Rosa Just Joey“, copper-orange color and ‚”Rosa Valencia“, yellow with shades of apricot.

Favorite Floribunda Roses

Floribunda roses are suitable to the same conditions as Hybrid Tea bush roses and the difference being that floribunda roses have many flowers heads clustered together. Floribunda roses are perfect for landscape gardening with masses of garden color. Some tried and trusted floribunda roses are:

  • ‚”Rosa Iceberg” as the name suggest is pure white with flawless white petals and is a worldwide favorite. Dead head this rose for continuous blooming and standing at 4ft. tall it is a real winner.
  • ‚”Rosa Margaret Merrill“, is also a magnificent white floribunda rose and a good companion for Iceberg. Its perfect, compact center is surrounded by loose, almost transparent petals and its fragrance is rich and lemony.
  • ‚”Rosa Southampton“, is a prolific blooming floribunda with orange-salmon petals. It has dark green foliage and grows to about 3 ft. tall. It does well in the shade.

For other floribunda roses choose ‚”Rosa Sunsprite“, very fragrant yellow blooms. ‚”Rosa Velvet Touch“, dark red aromatic repeat blooms and for masses of scented pink blooms choose ‚”Rosa Bloomfield Abundance“.

Bush roses are perfumed charmers in any garden and by properly caring for roses they will last for years. One particularly long lasting, incessant bloomer is ‚”Rosa Sunset Boulevard“. It has little or no fragrance but it is unequaled for output.

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