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Facts About Cedar Trees

Cedar trees, which are members of the pine family, are large evergreen trees with gray bark. They’re distinct from other members of the pine family because of their four-angled leaves which are borne on side branches. They have a fragrant red-colored wood that’s used in cabinetry and construction. These trees usually live for a long time because their moist habitat makes them almost free of fire and their wood is highly disease resistant. Interestingly, they were used almost two thousand years ago in the construction of King Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem.

Where Cedars Grow

Cedar trees generally thrive in high altitudes. They originated from the western Himalayan Mountains, as well as mountains of the Mediterranean region. Depending on the particular species, these trees can grow anywhere from 3 to 25 feet tall, according to Shade They have long flat spreading branches that narrow toward the top.

Historical Uses of Cedars

Cedars were initially used by Native Americans in building canoes and other types of boats. Wood from these trees were using in making boxes, weapons, baskets and bowls, while the bark of the trees were used in constructing capes, costumes and blankets. Today they’re an ideal source of fuel and are used for making pencils and other items. They’re mostly used in landscaping and for the pleasant fragrance their wood provides.

Types of Popular Cedars

There are several types of popular cedars, according to The Atlas cedar, coming from northern Africa, is a pyramidal tree with the Blue Atlas Cedar as the most common type. It’s a wide tree with silvery blue needles. The Cedar of Lebanon is somewhat like the Atlas cedar, but is considerably thicker and the most cold hardy of all cedar species. Himalaya cedars are dense graceful pyramid-shaped trees with tiered branches. The Northern White Cedars make ideal hedges and have a dark grayish brown trunk.

Tips and Considerations

Cedar trees need full sun. They also require some frost protection and some need defense from wind burn. Watering should be moderate in summer and reduced as weather grows colder with soil allowed to dry out between watering. When a tree is overwatered, its needles turn yellow.

Misconceptions and Warnings about Cedars

A common misconception is that arborvitae and Eastern Redwoods are cedars but this is not true. Referring to cedars and arborvitae can be confusing as several trees called ‚”cedars” are really arborvitae, junipers or other types of species.

Cedar trees should not be heavily pruned because it takes a long time for pruning scars to heal. Instead, jinning is a better option rather than leaving a trunk that’s scarred. Jinning is a technique in which tree branches are left that have died back or broken off naturally.

Cedars are an excellent tree for a landscape. Besides the beautiful evergreen foliage which continues to provide color each year, the fragrant scent of the wood wafts in the air inviting admirers, in addition to birds who are known for making their nests in these attractive trees.


Shade (date accessed January 28, 2010).

Looklex Encyclopedia: ‚”Cedar” (date accessed January 28, 2010).

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