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Edible Bog and Wetland Plants

Growing a bog garden is an excellent way to use a wet place in the yard or an old, leaky pond. Filling in the pond will lead to poorly-drained conditions with a perfect moisture level for edible bog and wetland plants. Old logs buried under the ground also hold moisture well.

Choosing and Purchasing Bog and Wetland Plants

Before placing any plant species in the garden, make sure that it is not invasive in the local area. Some plants like Purple Loosestrife can spread through marsh and bog areas, decimating local plant populations.

Source plants from a garden center instead of from the wild. This preserves wild populations and ensures that no one eats a poisonous look-alike plant.

A Selection of Edible Bog and Wetland Plants for Temperate Climates

  • Bog Labrador Tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum)

This small shrub has evergreen leaves that are wrinkled and hairy. It has small white flowers that attract bees. Bog Labrador tea is found in northern climates around the world. It grows in bogs and sometimes in alpine regions. Its aromatic leaves make herbal tea.

  • Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Bearberry is a shrub in the heather family. Its berries are red and edible, though they are not exciting. It grows on riverbanks. It has been used in Canadian First Nations medicine.

  • Cattail (Typha spp)

The cattail is found in wet places around the world, where it grows in tall, dense stands in water up to 10 centimeters deep. Cattails are named for the brown spike that grows at the top. Cattail shoots are edible and do not need to be cooked. They can be steamed or boiled and have a sweet flavor. The root is also edible and can be eaten like a potato. Avoid harvesting the wild flag or wild iris, a similar-looking poisonous plant with a blue flower.

  • Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon)

The cranberry is a tart red fruit that grows in North America. In the wild, they grow in bogs. Cranberry plants are self-pollinating and act as a ground cover, with fruit-bearing shoots that grow upwards. The plants have shallow root systems. They should be planted in the fall in shallow holes. Cranberries begin to fruit at about 4 years of age.

  • Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

Watercress is native to Britain. It is common at grocery stores. Watercress likes to grow in very shallow water or marshy areas. It is easy to start from cuttings or from seed. Both the leaves and seeds are edible and somewhat spicy.

  • Wild Rice (Zizania Aquatica/ Zizania palustris)

A native of North America, wild rice is the name for four different grasses that produce seed with a delicious nutty flavor. The two most common species are Zizania Aquatica and Zizania palustris. Wild rice is not related to Asian rice. It is an annual plant that should be placed in the middle of an edible bog garden, as it requires over 30 centimeters of water to grow. Some varieties can be extremely tall, so it is an excellent feature for the center of a garden.

An edible bog garden is a delightful way to use an old pond or add some interest to a more conventional vegetable garden. There are many different bog plants from around the world that are harvested commercially and can be grown by the home gardener. Some take some time to source, but the effort is well worthwhile.


Fern, Ken. Plants for a Future: Edible and Medicinal Plants for a Healthier World. Permanent Publications, 1997.

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