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Easy to Grow Crinums

More than one hundred species can be found around the world, according to Botany’s Encyclopedia. Crinums grow from bulbs and when healthy, multiply quickly. It’s an easy to grow flower that will give many years of pleasure to the gardener and garden visitors alike. Crinums are grown in subtropical and tropical regions but can also be grown in cooler zones with plenty of care. If the amaryllis grows where you live, then the crinum will, also.

Planting Crinums

Plant bulbs with the pointed end up and the ‘neck’ of the bulb at ground level. When unsure of which end of the bulb is the top, first look for signs of roots; if still unsure, plant the bulb sideways. If planting more than one, they look best planted in a large half circle or circle. Crinums are lovely planted in mass.

Soil and Moisture

The soil should be rich, well-drained garden soil. Water regularly during bloom season. Once established, the crinum can tolerate drought conditions.


Most crinums like full sun but will also tolerate some shade. In extremely hot areas of the garden, some crinums may suffer from burnt leaves. Too little light may produce leaves that are pale and scraggly.

There are cultivars available that grow in full shade. A few can be found at Lush Life Garden. Shade loving crinums should only be grown in the shade. Direct sun, especially the long hours of hot sun in the southern states, can cause the leaves to burn.


Crinums do well without being fed but will flourish with regular watering and fertilization. Adding well composted manure is all the plant needs to thrive.

If using commercial fertilizers on crinums, use a low nitrogen fertilizer, such as 5-10-10, or the same as you would use on the amaryllis.

A Few Choices

  • Crinum (Crinum angustifolium) Blooms: White
  • Crinum Lily (Crinum jagus) Blooms: White
  • Hardy Swamplily (Crinum bulbispermum) Blooms: White, pink, purple,red
  • Milk and Wine Lily (Crinum zeylanicum) Blooms: White and red
  • Moore’s Crinum (Crinum moorei) Blooms: White, pink
  • River Lily (Crinum pedunculatum) Blooms: White
  • Southern Swamp Lily (Crinum americanum) Blooms: White
  • Spider Lily (Crinum asiaticum) Blooms: White, pink, purple
  • Variegated Grand Crinium Lily ‘Variegatum’ (Crinum asiaticum) Blooms: White

Shade Loving Crinums

  • (Crinum americanum)
  • (Crinum angustifolium)
  • (Crinum asiaticum)
  • (Crinum jagus)
  • (Crinum x mooreii)

Companion Plants

Crinums look great planted amidst ginger lilies, elephant ears, ferns, hostas and caladiums. This creates a lush, tropical oasis in the hot humid southern yard.


The bulbs produce bulblets or offsets when healthy. These can be removed from the main bulb and planted to grow new plants. Crinums should be thinned out every three to five years to allow plenty of room for growth. Simply dig the plants, carefully separate new growth and replant. These new plants may not flower before the second year.

Sow seeds in pots consisting of 3/4 sandy soil to 1/4 good garden soil. If sown outdoors, place in shade where they can receive plenty of water. Do not allow the seed bed to dry out between waterings. They will germinate in about two weeks in humid conditions. Flowering of plants grown from seed may take three years.

These lilies can get quite large and will add height to the garden. For more information on adding height to the flower bed, you may like to read, “Bring Height to the Flower Garden.”

*If squirrels and gophers find your bulbs tasty, consider covering them with chicken wire which will make them more difficult to dig up.

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