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Easy Methods to Control Rabbit Damage in Gardens

The battle between gardener and rabbit is a long standing one. In the spring, hungry rabbits are only too eager to munch on tender garden plants. For gardeners, part of the problem is that rabbits are transient and what works to deter some rabbits, won’t work for others. By using some vigilance and a variety of easy methods, gardeners can protect their gardens from this ubiquitous pest.

Preventing Rabbits from Eating Vegetables

The easiest and most obvious way is to enclose vegetable gardens with a mesh or wire fence. This method will be more effective in gardens with heavy clay soil since rabbits won’t be able to simply burrow under fences. For gardeners with sandy soil or loam it will be necessary to bury fences a foot or more into the ground. Even with a fence, however, gardeners may want to employ other methods as well.

Gardeners can easily make rabbit repellents from cayenne pepper or garlic. For cayenne pepper spray, add 3 tablespoons of cayenne pepper and a drop or two of liquid dish detergent to a gallon of water. The Sierra Club also has a simple recipe for garlic spray. Both are safe to use on and around edible plants. However, gardeners may want to refrain from using these sprays near harvest time to avoid unintentionally flavoring vegetables. Both of these sprays need to be reapplied after watering and rainfall.

Planting garlic and onions around the perimeter of vegetable gardens can also deter rabbits. Since they generally like neither of these plants, they may not venture much farther to find something they do like. Often the odor can be enough to keep them away from vegetable gardens.

Protecting Ornamental Plants from Rabbits

In addition to the methods recommended for vegetable gardens, there are several other methods gardeners can use for ornamental plants. One of the most economical ways to protect flowers is to liberally sprinkle black pepper on and around vulnerable plants. The pepper has the same effect on rabbits as humans. Rabbits will avoid plants that make them sneeze. The pepper needs to be reapplied after watering and rainfall.

Using either human hair or pet hair around plants can deter rabbits by fooling them into thinking predators are near. Also, dumping used kitty litter near plants can have the same effect. These methods are best used in large areas or places where they won’t detract from the garden.

Gardeners may also consider planting alternative food sources for rabbits away from gardens. While clover used to be widespread in lawns it is now often considered unsightly. However, it is a common food source for rabbits. It also has the added benefit of enriching the soil and requires less mowing.

Rabbits are transient and the rabbits gardeners have today may not be the same rabbits tomorrow. By using a variety of easy methods over the course of the growing season, gardeners can keep damage from these garden pests to a minimum.

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