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Drought Tolerant Plants

There are several areas that are affected by drought conditions frequently. Some gardeners that know they face frequent droughts will plant those flowers and shrubs that are drought tolerant. Hardy plants that don’t need watering as much as other flowers and shrubs will be able to withstand these hot dry conditions without dying.

Confederate Rose

Hibiscus mutabilis, known as the confederate rose or the cotton rose, is from the mallow family. It is an easy to grow and fast growing shrub/tree. It can get to 15 feet tall and 10 feet wide. Leaves are 5 to 7 inches, bright green, and hairy. Flowers come late summer and fall and go from white to pink over time. Flowers are 3 to 5 inches wide. Plant a confederate rose in any soil in sun or shifting shade. Prefers regular watering but is drought tolerant. Propagate via cuttings. USDA Hardiness zones of 7 to 9.

Moss Rose

Portulaca grandiflora, known as the moss rose or sun plant, is from the purslane family. It is an annual that is good for containers. It gets 6 inches tall and 12 inches wide. Bright green leaves are cylindrical, 1 inch long, and fleshy. Flowers are an inch wide and in many varied colors. The flowers are on stem tips and only open when it’s sunny. Plant a moss rose in any well drained soil and in full sun. It is drought tolerant but prefers regular watering. Propagate via seed. USDA Hardiness zones of 5 to 11.

Blanket Flower

Gaillardia pulchella, known as the blanket flower or firewheel, is from the aster/daisy family. It is an easy growing drought tolerant short-lived perennial. It will attract butterflies. Flowers are in summer, daisy-like, and 2 to 3 inches wide. They can be yellow, crimson, orange, and copper scarlet. The plant gets 14 to 24 inches tall with 12 inch spread. Plant a blanket flower in hot sunny area with good drainage. Propagate via seed, cuttings, or by division every 2 to 3 years. USDA Hardiness zones of 5 to 10.

White Wild Indigo

Baptisia alba, known as white wild indigo or white false indigo, is from the bean family. It is a perennial that gets 4 feet tall and just as wide. Flower spikes are 12 to 18 inches tall with trifoliate (sets of 3 leaflets) blue green leaves. Large seed pods come after flowers. Plant a white wild indigo in full sun to partial sun in well drained soil. It prefers regular watering but can live in drought situations too. Propagate via seed or division. USDA Hardiness zones of 5 to 9.

Pink Evening Primrose

Oenothera speciosa, known as pink evening primrose or showy evening primrose, is from the evening primrose family. It is a fragrant perennial that attracts hummingbirds. This gets 8 to 24 inches tall and 15 inches wide. Flowers are bowl shaped, white turning to pink blooms in spring, and 2 inches wide. Seeds are oval capsules in summer. Plant a pink evening primrose in full sun in any well drained soil. Propagate via seed or division of clumps in the spring. USDA Hardiness zones of 5 to 9.


Floridata: Drought Tolerant Plant List

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