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Drought Tolerant Groundcovers for Dry Climates

With the California drought in full throttle many homeowners are seeking plants that can survive the hot, dry summer days. Some are choosing to remove their lawns (which should be done in the fall so they’re established by next summer) while others are removing water thirsty plants or small parts of a lawn and replacing it with low-water groundcovers.

A few preliminary notes:

  1. Once you remove a section of lawn, make sure to amend the soil. Before you plant anything blend in a 2-4″ layer of compost. If your soil is compacted or you’re new to gardening, dig the compost down a few inches. Then plant. If you’ve added compost to your soil once or twice a year, your soil should be in good condition so you can just add a thin layer of compost to the top. The microorganisms in the organic matter will take the nutrients down to the roots for you. They are ‘your people!’ After planting, add a 2-3 inch layer of mulch (wood chips, leaves, straw, shredded bark) to keep plants cool and shade weed seeds.
  2. There is no such thing as a drought tolerant plant the first season! All plants need a bit of coddling when they are young and vulnerable. You’ll need to water regularly during the first summer-usually once every 4-7 days. From the 2nd year on you can taper off on watering.
  3. Always water deeply to encourage deep rooting. Shallow frequent waterings are a waste of water and time.

Nine Drought Tolerant Groundcovers for Dry Climates

Ceanothus, Carmel Creeper Ceanothus griseus horizontalis


Width: 5-12″

Fast grower Lt. Blue, 1″ clusters of flowers, evergreen

Sun or part shade, water first year only

Cotoneaster, Rock Cotoneaster horizontalis

Height 3′

Width: 12′

Tiny white, abundant flowers

Sun, deciduous

Manzanita, Radiant Arctostaphylos, uva-ursi ‘Radient’

Red berries

Sun or part shade, evergreen, forms dense mat,

attractive year round, rich green foliage

Hypericum Hypericum calycinum

Height 15″

Width 18″

Fast grower,

Bright yellow,

trumpet-like flowers,

Sun to partial shade, evergreen, spreads by underground runners, mow during winter every

Periwinkle, Dwarf Vinca major

Height: 3′ to 6′

Fast grower with Lavender-blue 1″ showy flowers in spring.

Part shade, evergreen, can become overgrown, sheer to ground to bring on new growth

Rosemary, Dwarf Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Prostratus’

Height: 2′

Width: 4-5′

Lt. Lavender-blue clusters in late spring and summer

Sun or light shade, evergreen, fragrant, attracts bees during flowering

Sedum, Dragon’s Blood Sedum spurium

Height: 4-5″

Width: 12″ Fast grower, Rosy red clusters of flowers

Sun or part shade, evergreen succulent

Good in rock gardens

Sedum, Brevifolium Sedum album

Height: 2-6″

Width: 12″ Fast grower, White or pinkish-white tiny flowers

Sun or part shade, creeping evergreen succulent

Good in rock gardens.

Thyme, Creeping Thymus praecox arcticus

Height: 2-6″

Width: 18″ Fast grower, Lavender-white, beadlike clusters of flowers bllom in summer. Sun or light shade, dies back after flowering, attracts bees during flowering. ‚ÄúWoody Thyme” is shorter and denser. Nice lawn replacement that takes light foot traffic.

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