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Dealing with Ants

Ants have been around for millions of years and are generally considered to be pests in the garden. Because of their nest-building capacity, ants can damage soil structure and plant roots. They can loosen the soil around young plants and cause them to die. They can attack and damage fruit. They can shelter and protect aphids, which are definite enemies of the garden. And they can also bite and cause great discomfort to the gardener.

Do Away with Ant Colonies

One of the best ways to get rid of an entire ant colony is to cover the anthill with a large flowerpot that has the drainage hole plugged. The hole can be plugged with a cork or tightly wadded plastic wrap. Boil a bucket of water and flood the surrounding soil, reserving a few gallons of the water. After a minute or two, most of the ants will seek for shelter in the overturned pot. Turn the pot upright and fill with remaining hot water.

Homemade Ant Repellents

  • Hot chilies and water will keep ants at bay.
  • Blend orange peels and water to a puree and pour directly into anthills.
  • Leave instant grits where ants can consume. The grits expand in the ant’s bodies, killing them off.
  • Boric acid mixed with vinegar is an effective ant poison, but is not safe to use around children and pets.
  • Plant aromatic plants, such as mint, lavender, chives and garlic in pots around garden.
  • Create an ant barrier out of agricultural lime, powdered charcoal of bond meal and sprinkle around plants and between garden rows.
  • Protect fruit on trees by applying bands of paper coated with nondrying glue around base of trees. Duct tape, turned inside out, can work well.
  • Repel ants from the house by sprinkling pennyroyal, spearmint, camphor or tansy in closets and on shelves. An effective solution can also be made using a quart of water, 1 clove, 1 small onion and 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper. Place in a spray bottle and let sit. After 1 hour, add 1 tablespoon of liquid. Spray around house in affected areas.
  • Vinegar, used full strength, can be used to wash down countertops, shelves, baseboards and thresholds.
  • Try placing cucumber peelings outside of doors and windows to deter ants from entering house.

Benefits of Ants

Ants are not all bad. Although generally considered pests in the garden, they can improve air circulation in heavy soils and their burrows can improve water drainage. Most gardeners, however, are willing to sacrifice these benefits and get rid of the ants that are infesting their gardens.

Further Reading:


About Ants

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