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Creating New Bromeliad Plants Through Offsets

There are two ways of propagating bromeliads. New plants can be created by separating offsets from the host plant or buy planting seeds. Creating new bromeliads through offsets or ‚”pups” is probably the best and fastest way.

Overview of Bromeliad Care

There are roughly 2,877 different species of bromeliads, which are typically found in Central and South America as well as the southern United States. According to Katie Elzer’s “Bromeliad Fact Sheet”, the most familiar bromeliad is the pineapple, which was brought back to Western Europe by Columbus. Pineapples are the only bromeliad cultivated for food.

Bromeliads have two distinct growth habits: epiphytic and terrestrial. Epiphytic bromeliads grow on trees and other plants but do not cause harm to their hosts. Spanish Moss is an example of epiphytic growth. Spanish Moss and other epiphytic bromeliads use their roots to hang on to trees and plants while storing water and nutrients in their leaves. Terrestrial bromeliads grow in a well draining medium such as orchid bark, perlite, humus, lava rock, peat or sphagnum moss.

Bromeliads are remarkably resilient plants and require relatively little attention.

  • Water – water the plant through the ‚”tank” taking care not too over water the plant.
  • Fertilizer – they do not need a lot of fertilizer and any that is applied should be well diluted.
  • Light -bromeliads don’t seem to be too picky as they will function in relatively poor light. According to the Bromeliad Society International bromeliads with softer leaves need diffuse indirect light while those with harder leaves need stronger light.
  • Humdity – because these plants originate in the tropics they like humidity and need good air circulation to flourish.
  • Temperature -temperature should be 70 degrees during the day and between 55 and 60 degrees at night.

Propagation of Terrestrial Bromeliads

A wonderful aspect of bromeliads is that they create more plants. ‚”Pups” or offsets sprout from the side and base of the mother plant as the plant blooms. Harvest the pups when their bases have become firm, which is usually after the mother plant has bloomed and the flower has died.

To separate the pups from the mother, take a sharp, clean knife or pruning sheers and cut between the host plant and the offset. Place the new plant in the proper medium such as potting soil, perlite or other well draining material. Remember not to place the new plants in soil that is too wet as the plant will likely rot. In addition, do not place the plant too deep. The new plants may require some support until they can develop their own root system. Popsicle sticks can be used as stakes to support the new plant. The pups should bloom in one to three years and begin to produce additional plants.

Bromeliads are beautiful and varied plants. With relatively little attention, these plants will grow and create new plants for years of enjoyment.

Katie Elzer, Bromeliad Fact Sheet, Horticultural Services Division, 2000

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