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Control Mosquitoes in The Water Garden or Pond

Water gardens and ponds are a mosquito’s paradise. Keep them from taking up residence in the water garden, by adding an aquatic plant called, ‚”floating bladderwort”. Bladderwort (Utricularia spp.) is a carnivorous plant that has a big appetite for insects that hit the water. Using carnivorous water plants may be unconventional, but it’s an extremely effective means of keeping the mosquito population nearly nonexistent in the pond.

How Bladderwort Eats Insects

The floating bladderwort is basically rootless, with underwater stems that are either free-floating or anchored loosely. Their thread-like leaves have traps (bladders) that are adapted to catch, trap and then absorb insects, as well as other tiny water animals. Utricularia’s flowers bloom on the end of leafless stems above the water surface.

Tiny trap doors open on the bladders and attract insects. Water fleas, mosquito larva and other small creatures swim into a bladder, and find they are unable to swim out. The insect dies and the bladderwort’s enzymes and acids dissolve the victim until its absorbed into their plant bodies.

Bladderwort’s 180 species are found world-wide in shallow water, or growing on trees in the rainforests. The species varies from terrestrial (lives on land), to epiphytic (lives on trees or another plant), to free-floating (lives in water). Utricularia gibba is the easiest species to grow. Below are the details about this useful meat-eater.

Bladderwort Stats

  • Family: Lentibulariaceae
  • Genus: Utricularia
  • Cultivation: Likes acidic water and full sun. Hardy species need water temps of 54-59 degrees. Frost-tender species needs 66 degrees and above.
  • pH Range: 4.5-6.5
  • Habits: Perennial or annual, low maintenance, forms mats below the water with its stolons. Urtricularia gibba is particularly easy and never goes dormant.
  • Flowers: Their flowers are generally yellow pouches with red veins that bloom in the summer. There are a few other species with different flower colors, such as purple.
  • Propagation: Divide mats or foliage in the summer, collect the seeds that sink to the bottom of the pond or water garden and replant. Leaf cuttings work well for this species, too.

Because most carnivorous plants live in soils that are nitrogen deficient, they have found their own way of obtaining nitrogen, nutrients and minerals. Plants normally take up nutrition through their roots. These plants evolved by creating insect catchers on their leaves. Soils rich in vitamins were no longer necessary for these plants to survive, as the insects they eat provide their dietary requirements.

If local nurseries don’t carry bladderwort, contact the International Carnivorous Plant Society or California Carnivores, which houses the world’s largest collection of carnivorous plants.

Related Reading

For more information on the fascinating world of carnivorous plants, check out The Savage Garden by Peter D’Amato.

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