Categories: Original Pests

Clover Mites & How to Get Rid of Them

For starters maybe we should cover a simple fact. Clover mites are not insects so maybe you should stop spraying them with insecticides.

Insecticides are not effective against arachnids and clover mites are arachnids. In general, clover mites feed on grasses, clovers as well as a few other plants, which are generally grown around homes.

Clover mites are rather secretive creatures and they thrive in cracks and crevices, under the loose bark of trees as well as around window frames.

Unlike what many people tend to think, clover mites are literally harmless creatures. They do not injure humans and they definitely cause no damage whatsoever to properties. To learn more about clover mites, maybe you should try clover mites pictures online

As you will notice from the clover mites pictures online, the arachnids essentially live and reproduce outdoors and only ever venture indoors by mistake early summer and autumn.

Clover mites are completely harmless. They are not parasites and they definitely don’t feed on things such as clothes or even wood. Clover mites only feed on plants normally grown in gardens such as clovers or even grasses.

However, unlike chinch bugs, the clover mites do not harm the plants they feed on but rather, they tend to co-exist rather well in their ecosystems.

What Do Clover Mites Look Like?

The best way to learn about clover mites is to look up some of the clover mites pictures over the internet. Clover mites, as you will notice, grow to be no more than 1/64th inch long. The arachnids are soft-bodied and they are generally oval-shaped, flattened from top to bottom.

In general, clover mites vary in color from rusty brown to dark red. Last but not least, clover mites are perhaps arachnids characterized by the fact that they have exceptionally long front legs that extend forward as the mites crawl from one place to another.

Prevention and Treatment

As we established above, clover mites are harmless creatures. The only troublesome thing about the arachnids it’s that if you happen to crush one under your feet, you can expect a nice orange/red permanent stain.

To control the arachnids in your home, try using a spray on the outside walls of your house as well as on the window sill. It is to be remembered that insecticides do not work with clover mites so you will need to get a chemical substance meant for the control of mites. Clover mites inside your home can be removed using a vacuum cleaner.

On a separate note, avoid crushing clover mites and if you do happen to crush one, make sure that you do not wipe the mess away but rather you should clean up the whole spot with water and detergent.

Biologically, clover mites, as you most probably already know, are infinitely small, red arachnids that exist across the United States and many other countries worldwide. They are, as a matter of fact, approximately the size of a poppy seed and you would think they are so tiny, there is not much they can do to harm you.

Well, you would be surprised to know the things these little bugs can accomplish. Clover mites absolutely love thriving around homes and other such warm structures.

Before World War II, clover mites were pretty much unknown to mankind but these days, they are considered a serious nuisance in many parts of the world.

Should You Look For Clover Mite Control?

Basically, if you live in the United States, you will see yourself undertaking clover mite control at the very least once in your lifetime. Clover mites can become something of a problem in many instances.

For starters, the arachnids are able to survive most successfully in wall voids and such small cavities around your home. As such, their activities can go pretty much unnoticed for years during which time, the clover mites reproduce in peace, growing their population day by day.

The clever thing about clover mites is that when they become so voluminous in number that they can’t all fit in the same nest, the little arachnids actually start migrating, colonizing other areas of your home. When considering clover mite control, you need to determine the level of infestation. Technically, there are three such levels as you will see in the next segments of this article.

Clover Mite Control  & the Levels of Infestation

Level 1 Infestation Level one infestation basically refers to that state of affairs when clover mites have just been located or rather discovered outside a home. This might be in mulch materials such as pine straw or among wood chips and that kind of thing. If you are having a level one infestation, the corresponding clover mite control is not much of a challenge.

Basically, you will only need to get yourself a chemical solution of some kind which you can look up here itself, over the Internet. Here you need to remember that mites are not insects so insecticides will do nothing whatsoever to help your case. To ensure even distribution of any solution, you might want to get a hand spreader though this is not technically an essential piece of equipment for clover mite control.

Level 2 infestation Level two infestations, as you must have guessed by now, refers to the event when clover mites reach dangerously close to your home, invading the side of your home slowly and surely.

If you are coming across thousands of mites crawling on the side of your home a foot or two high every so often, you need to know that you have a problem. Though you don’t need to panic, you will need to worry a little about clover mite control because sooner or later, you will need to get it over and done with.

Usually a level two infestation only occurs when you mess up the clover mite control designated for the level one infestation. Here you will need to undertake a continuous clover mite control treatment over a couple of weeks applying liquid and granule chemicals where infestations are located.

Level 3 infestation Level three infestation is a nightmare come true. The clover mites literally found a home for themselves in yours. Here the clover mite control treatment can prove to be a real challenge.

A level three infestation usually occurs when the population outside your home gets too large and the competition for food gets too high. Clover mite control, where a level three infestation is concerned, is a systematic process more than anything. You will need to step back and see where the mites are actually coming from. When you discover their habitat or rather, habitats, you will need to treat the infested areas with the appropriate chemical products.

Here you might want to note that it is not possible to treat once and be done with it. You will need to repeat the treatment again and again until you are convinced you got your home rid of clover mites. Generally, a clover mites extermination treatment lasts 12 months so best of luck.

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