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Clematis – Versatile Vines with Masses of Blooms

Clematis, also known as Old Man’s Beard, Traveler’s Joy, Leather Flower and Virgin’s Bower, is a versatile vine and probably one of the most popular and widely used climbing plants in the world’s gardens. Clematis can be deciduous or evergreen. They are available in a breathtaking array of colors; white, pink, blue, cream, red, purple and many variations in between. With proper consideration clematis can be in flower all year round and for winter cheer plant Clematis cirrhosa ‚”Jingle Bells”, a spectacular winter charmer with its bronze leaves and creamy flowers. Clematis is pronounced by emphasizing its three syllables, clem-a-tis.

Where to Grow Clematis

Clematis plants are long lived and as they are vigorous climbers some sort of support will be necessary. They are lightweight plants but their sheer mass can become heavy during the growing season. A sturdy trellis fixed to a wall, a fence or a pergola would all be ideal but any climbing support will suffice. A clematis plant in full bloom tumbling over a low garden wall or climbing a tree will always look amazing.

  • Plant in full sun or semi shade.
  • Keep the roots cool and this can be done by planting low evergreen shrubs at the base.
  • Neutral soil is preferred but clematis plants will thrive best in rich soil. However; they will also grow when planted close to wall foundations, sometimes even the minimum of soil will be sufficient.
  • Keep the soil moist and well drained. Clematis requires plenty of water during the summer months.
  • Plant in temperatures similar to U.S. zones 4+.
  • When planting more than one clematis, set the plants about 5ft. apart.
  • Soak the root ball before planting and set the plant so as to have at least one set of buds below the soil.

Pruning Clematis Plants

As far as clematis is concerned pruning is personal and the intended method should be decided upon at the outset. The main reason for pruning is to keep the plant in check and to increase the number of flowers produced. Clematis, although lightweight plants, are robust and rarely is a clematis killed by pruning, even severe pruning.

  • Early flowering clematis, like Clematis montana which should be finished blooming by the end of May can be pruned once the flowers have faded. So remember prune in June.
  • The larger flowered and probably better known clematis, like Clematis ”Nelly Moser”, is best pruned in late winter to early spring. This encourages late spring flowering. When pruning, direct the stems in umpteen directions aiming to cover as much of the support frame as possible.
  • There is a late flowering group of clematis, like Clematis ‚”Rouge Cardinal” and any of the Clematis jackmanii group, and as these flower from mid-June onwards it is best to prune in February or early March. Cut each stem, strong or otherwise back to about 3ft. from the base and let it start all over again.

Favorite Clematis Plants

  • Clematis ‚”Pink Perfection” is a late spring bloomer, vigorous growth but little or no pruning is required. Likes the sun and zone 6+ temperatures.
  • Clematis ‚”Bees Jubilee” with its lilac colored flowers from May-June is always a good choice. It is fast growing to a height of about 10ft. and it is reasonably frost hardy.
  • Clematis ‚”Ville de Lyon” has deep crimson-purple flowers and grows to about 12ft. and is a late summer bloomer.

There is a huge number of clematis to choose from. They grow in zones 4-9 with ease and enchant gardens all year long with their myriad of colors but for a beautiful patio charmer with dark green foliage and purple blue flowers in early Spring and again in the Fall choose Clematis “The President”.

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