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Choose a Heated Electric Propagator to Suit Your Needs and Budget

Electrically heated propagators are an invaluable aid for the gardeners who love growing their own plants from seeds and cuttings. Anyone wanting to raise their own vegetables and flowers can get the growing season off to a head start. The extra heat allows earlier sowing, improved germination and better, sturdier plant growth. In early spring the electricity used to heat one or two propagators is considerably less than the cost of heating an entire greenhouse. Gardeners without a greenhouse can achieve excellent results with a relatively cheap window sill propagator.

Basic Propagators Without Thermostats

Small and simple propagators are the size of a seedtray with heated pads in the base. Slightly up market versions have a clear plastic lid with adjustable ventilation holes.

Advantages of These Propagators

Relatively cheap to buy and run they are capable of germinating a wide range of seeds and are useful for rooting cuttings.

Disadvantages of These Propagators

The main disadvantage of this kind of propagator is the fact that the temperature achieved fluctuates according to the surrounding room temperature. Wilkinsons sell the Stewart electric propagator which has a 52cm wide base for ¬£29.00. Its 22watt heater uses less power than an ordinary light bulb. Two Wests and Elliott’s Window Sill Propagator measures approximately 75cm by 18cm and holds 7 quarter size seed trays each with individual ventilated acrylic covers. It sells for ¬£36.65.

Thermostatically Controlled Propagators

More versatile propagators are thermostatically controlled and this makes for very reliable germination. With the cheaper versions there is only one temperature setting at around 19-20 degrees centigrade.

  • The maxi propagator from Two Wests and Elliott holds three seed trays. Total cost for the heated base with three seed trays and their covers is ¬£76.95. it has a power consumption of 50 watts.
  • Costly only slightly more models with variable temperature control from 12-28 degrees centigrade give precise control of environmental conditions and are more energy efficient at just 22watts.

Electric Propagators With High Tops

Propagators with higher covers are suitable for overwintering plants in the greenhouse whilst saving on the cost of heating the whole structure. This enables the gardener to save a wide range of tender plants.

  • The Vitopod Heated Propagator is available from several outlets including Harrod Horticultural. The double layer version is 39cm tall. Temperature control can be set between 5 and 30 degrees centigrade and is accurate to within one degree. Large adjustable vents are a feature of this mini-greenhouse. The biggest version costs ¬£179.95
  • The Jumbo Heated Propagator (available from both from two Wests and Harrod) is for gardeners wanting to propagate on a large scale. It holds up to 8 seed trays. Heat from 0 to 40 degrees centigrade is evenly distributed via a thermostatically controlled heat mat. The propagator cover which stands 50cm tall in the centre is made from clear plastic supported on a tubular metal frame. Retail price is approximately ¬£125

The Ultimate Propagator With Lights

During the short dulls days of winter light is the limiting factor so far as plant growth is concerned. For the keen gardener a Grow Light Garden is the ultimate in propagating luxury. With one of these the growing season can be extended and seeds sown earlier. Designed for use in home or greenhouse its flourescent tubes supply replacement for natural light. A complete kit comes with 4 seed trays and an optional self watering tray for a total price of £74.90

Start Cheap and Simple

It can and often is argued that a heated electric propagator is not needed to germinate seeds and root cuttings. Many gardeners rely on pots covered with polythene hoods and kept on a warm, light window sill. This cheap and cheerful system usually gives satisfactory results for a wide range of vegetables and flowers. However for the gardener looking for consistently good results across a ranger of plants including those which are more difficult to propagate then a heated propagator comes into its own. It makes sense to start with a simple non-thermostatically controlled module before investing in a a bells and whistle model once experience and confidence has been gained.

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