Keeping the lawn clear of debris such as leaves and worm casts will help prevent damage to the lawn during…
Farmers and gardeners are familiar with the benefits of compose gardening. Deterioration of the soil has been a problem nationally.…
To be organic in gardening or lawn care means not using synthetic chemicals. The movement toward following organic growing principles…
While most homeowners and gardeners long for a beautifully manicured green lawn and healthy hardy plants and bushes, many are…
For some organic gardeners, growing and maintaining an all-organic lawn is the last frontier. A well-tended vegetable patch is one…
A lawn which has been untouched by man-made chemicals for more than five years is considered to be organic; however…
Even those who aren't sure what crabgrass looks like or whether their lawn is afflicted with it know that these…
The signs of a chemically-dependent lawn are obvious - sparse grass, moss & mildew, yellow spots, insect damage and a…
A green carpet of lawn adds beauty & functionality to a landscape. It can also wreak havoc on both the…
Most lawn care products contain substances that are poisonous, otherwise they would not do the job they are made for…