Flower Gardens

  • Flower Gardens

Summer Bedding Plants and Annuals with Long-Lasting Flowers

If you want to try growing from flower seeds then growing bedding plants are a good way to start. You…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Summer Annual Cut Flower Plants

One of my favorite things about having a garden is the ability to cut flowers for indoor arrangements. It is…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

State Flower of Utah – The Sego Lily

The common name "Sego" is thought to be a Shoshone word meaning "edible bulb." During the harsh winter of 1848-49,…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Spring Flowering Plants

Spring is a great time to start seeing the colors popping out of the garden. Many people want to have…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Spring Flowering Plant Solomon’s Seal for Shade

Polygonatum, Solomon's seal, is a perennial plant native to North America. This spring flowering plant grows well in a woodland…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Spring Flowering Plant Lakeside Daisy

The Lakeside daisy has been botanically referred to as Hymenoys herbacea, Tetraneuris herbacea or Hymenoxys acaulis var. glabra and is…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Spring Flowering Forget-Me-Nots and Trillium

Myosotis is commonly called forget-me-nots. Trillium is also called great white, snow trillium or wake robin. These flowers are found…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Spring Flower Bulbs Grow too Soon

What happens if spring blooming bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, crocus, alliums, hyacinths and grape hyacinths start to grow too…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Spring Flowering Bulbs

Spring flowering bulbs are typically planted in the fall of the previous year. Tulips, daffodils, hyacinth and crocus are all…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Specialty Non Hardy Blue Flowers

Whether you collect blue flowers and enjoy the unusual, or need just the right blue flower for your patio, deck…

4 years ago


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