Flower Gardens

  • Flower Gardens

Fragrant Flowers and Balcony Gardening

When creating a balcony garden, established roses or flowering shrubs aren't needed to incorporate fragrance into your selected area. There…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Fragrant Flowering Nicotiana and Heliotropium

Nicotiana and Helioptropium are fragrant tender perennials more often used as annuals in flower gardens. Commonly called flowering tobacco and…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Four Easy Flowers to Grow From Seed

Morning glories, cosmos, forget-me-nots, and sweet williams are four of the easiest flowers I know to grow from seed. They…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Force Spring Flowering Bulbs for Winter Color Indoors

Forcing bulbs for bloom in the house is a simple, inexpensive way to bring spring into the house in the…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Foliage Plants for the Flower Border

Foliage plants woven into a flower bed add immense interest by helping to separate the flowers that make up the…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Flowers to Plant in March

March is a busy season for all types of gardeners. After winter's long grasp, there is much work to be…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds to the Garden

The best way to attract hummingbirds to the garden is by offering them the plants they need for sustenance. Hummingbirds…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Flowers That Attract Beneficial Insects

As part of companion planting, organic gardeners add flowers near vegetable plants to attract beneficial insects that in turn eat…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Flowers Our Grandmothers Grew

Remember the heirloom flowers, the roses, annuals, perennials and bulbs your grandmother grew in her flower bed? There are so…

4 years ago
  • Flower Gardens

Flowers of Umbrella Plant Appear Before Foliage

This outstanding plant is often referred to as Indian Rhubarb, Giant Cup or the Umbrella Plant. In fact, several indoor…

4 years ago


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