Careful selection of Carolina spicebush (Calycanthus floridus) (Photo #1) and its cultivars provides unusual and relatively pest-free plants in landscape gardens. They grow well as specimen plants, in hedgerows, in mixed shrub beds, as frames for large perennials and in massed groups.
Carolina spicebush, introduced to horticulture in 1726, is hardy along the eastern coast of North America from plant hardiness zones 4 to 9. However, it is more predominant in natural habitats from Virginia to Florida. It is currently considered an endangered species in Florida.
Individual gardeners and horticultural researchers are responsible for marketable selections of these plants. Cultivars of Carolina spicebush (Calycanthus floridus) are relatively easy to find through online and local specialty nurseries. Local plant sales spnsored by garden clubs and Master Gardeners’ associations are also good sources of plants.
Carolina Spicebush / Sweetshrub (Calycanthus floridus) Characeristics and Culture
- The fruity smell of all parts of Carolina spicebush is what makes this plant a garden winner. The smell is most outstanding in evening. However, because fragrance varies among cultivars, it is best to smell plant parts before purchase.
- Flowers look like miniature pinecones (Photo #2) before they open, becoming up to 2″ across when fully opened. They exhibit a great deal of color variation, from reddish brown, maroon, or dark red, to shades of yellow-green.
- Leaves are lustrous green all summer long and while most autumn leaf color is usually not outstanding, the cultivars described below display outstanding yellow autumn leaves.
- Growth is upright producing an oval to round-appearing shrub. In wild settings, Carolina spicebush may grow 9′ high with a spread of 12,’ but typically it grows shorter and more compact – 5′ x 5′ in ten years – in sunny locations.
- Suckering is a strong growth characteristic with some selections like “Athens.” Pruning easily keeps this characteristic under control.
Carolina Spicebush / Sweetshrub (Calycanthus floridus) Culture
- Carolina spicebush transplants easily and adapts to acid or alkaline soils. It likes moist soil and grows in either sun or shade. It becomes tall, lanky and open in shade, but in sun is more compact and dense.
- Watering, especially for selections in sunny sites, is important during periods of prolonged drought.
- Little to no fertilizer or pest spray is necessary.
- Create and maintain specimen plants by pruning and training to several upright stems.
Calycanthus floridus Cultivars
- “Athens,” whose origin is lost in garden antiquity, has yellow-green flowers about an inch and one-half wide. Stems, leaves and flowers release a cantelope or juicy fruit gum-like fragrance. The leaves develop a strong yellow color in autumn. (Photo #3)
- “EdithWilder”was found at Gertrude Wister’s garden in Swarthmore, Pa. It produces purple flowers in summer and golden yellow fall foliage.
- “Michael Lindsey” has reddish-brown flowers. The plant releases a distinct fruity fragrance. Its leaves are dark green and heavily creased and like “Edith Wilder” are golden yellow in autumn. (Photo #4)
- “Roy’s Dark Red”™ (‘KLMY’) is a Roy Klehm and Song Sparrow Nurseries F2 seedling selection that grows well in the upper Midwest and also releases a fruity fragrance. It possesses exceptionally deep red flowers with dark green foliage which becomes golden yellow in autumn.
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