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Caring for the Bird of Paradise Plant

Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower, Wild Banana or Giant Bird of Paradise are all names for a genus of plans known as Strelitzia. Strelitzia is a tropical plant with spectacular flowers reminiscent of an exotic bird. Plumage is another word used to describe Strelitzia as the flowers resemble a bird’s beak with spiked head plumage. Bird of Paradise is an evergreen plant with leaves similar to the banana plant only much smaller. Nevertheless the leaves can grow to be 30 inches long and the stems of Strelitzia Reginae can be up to 60 inches from ground to base of flower.

Areas to Grow the Bird of Paradise Plant

Strelitzia is native to South Africa and South America. These are tropical and humid areas and the plant will thrive in such areas. In the United States it can be grown outdoors in Zones 8 and 9 but in other parts it is best grown as a potted plant that can be brought indoors for the fall and winter months. With proper care and diligence it can be grown in much colder environments both as an indoor potted plant and in glass houses. Indeed the Strelitzia Nicolai tolerates mild frost. This species likes to be grown in a rich soil in sun or partial shade. Good drainage is essential.

Bird of Paradise Plant Species

Other species of Strelitzia are

  • Strelitzia Alba, the white Bird of Paradise. This is a large tree-like Bird of Paradise and is not suitable for the small garden as it can reach up to 20ft.
  • Strelitzia Caudata, the African desert banana. This Strelitzia is difficult to find and difficult to grow. It is also a very large specimen.
  • Strelitzia Reginae, Bird of paradise, or Crane lily is a much more manageable plant but patience is needed as it can take up to six years before it will bloom. It can grow up to 5ft. tall and it requires full sun but not intense summer sun and, finally
  • Strelitzia Juncea. This is a slow grower and differs from all other Strelitzia in that the leaves over time will disappear and become a reed or a rush like a waterside plant of the Juncaceae family. This species, like Strelitzia Nicolai will tolerate a slight frost.

Strelitzia Problems

Propagation of Strelitzia is mainly done by suckering. This can be very invasive and it is unwise to plant a Strelitzia too close to a house. The invasive suckering process can easily knock down low garden walls especially if the foundation is slight to begin with. In some cases the charming spectacular Bird of Paradise is even considered a pest and it is hacked and pruned away with impunity. A BOP (Bird of Paradise) grown in a glasshouse bed can overpower everything else within reach in a short space of time.

Caring for the Bird of Paradise Plant

  • Keep the soil moist during the growing season, spring through summer.
  • Give the plant as much sunshine as possible.
  • Keep the plant at 50 degrees or above, i.e. indoor temperatures.
  • Prune the plant regularly keeping a wary eye for suckers.
  • After the first bloom the mature plant can be divided to increase the stock. However; the new plants will not bloom for a few years afterward.
  • Potted plants require a good general fertilizer every year.

Ornamental Use of Bird of Paradise Plant

For use as a cut flower specimen the Bird of Paradise is unsurpassed. A single stem complete with a single leaf placed in a tall slender glass vase will afford timeless, classical elegance to any home. Select a stem which is about to bloom, two-thirds fill the vase with white stones – colored stones will detract from the vibrancy of the flower and the bloom will last for about three weeks. Change the water once a week for freshness.

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