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Best Tips to Deter Problem Animals From Property, Home, Garden

Animals can be cute and cuddly or wild and beautiful but at times they may clash if we have gardens that are producing vegetables, fruit trees or anything else they find in the yard that they want to eat.

How to keep animals away from the trash and out of your garbage cans.

Mix half water with half ammonia. Spray on the garbage bag before you put it in the garbage can. Then spray the outside of the lids and the outside of the cans. Don’t forget you will need to repeat this after it rains.

Scaring birds, tame and wild critters out of your vegetable garden and fruit trees.

  • If you have any of those old shiny metallic balloons around, cut them into strips and hand them from poles and fruit trees. This will scare away birds, squirrels and rabbits.
  • Plant a garlic barrier around your garden to keep away rabbits, gophers, squirrels, shrews and voles.
  • To keep cats, deer, dogs, rabbits and raccoons out of your vegetable garden try placing stakes around your garden. Now soak rags with vinegar and place them on the stakes. Remember to re-soak the rags every 7-10 days.
  • Dig a shallow trench around your garden and fill it with the stuff from the vacuum cleaner. It will smell like human and scare them off.
  • Whistling jars is an old trick to keep away rabbits and other critters. Get together some old canning jars and place them around the edges of the garden. The glass will reflect the light and when the wind blows over the top, the noise will scare away unwanted garden critters.
  • Paint half walnut shells red and place in between your strawberry plants before your strawberries bear fruit. Birds will peck at these fake strawberries and when the real ones come along they will not want to test them.
  • Place rubber snakes in fruit trees. A decoy owl or falcon up on the roof or fence will also help deter birds.
  • Deers can cause a lot damage so here is a couple useful tips just for them. Use very diluted cayenne pepper and water and spray on the bushes. Tie white plastic bags to branches on shrubs and trees. To deers it look like their white tails signalling danger.
  • Plant dusty miller around the perimeter of your garden this will repel rabbits and other animals.
  • Spread cayenne pepper, ground limestone or wood ashes around the garden.
  • Want to get rid of rabbits, get a dog.
  • Pound small sticks a foot apart around the garden to keep dogs out.
  • For cats scatter orange peels and coffee grounds around the plants.
  • Place mothballs around the perimeters of your gardens to keep mice and other critters out.

Whether they are wild creatures of tame pets destruction to trees, plants and vegetables is disheartening. Many have tried to deter animals with and without luck. I hope you will be more successful with these tried and true methods to get rid of problem animals out of your garden and property.

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