Categories: Composting

Benefits of Using a Compost Bin

Composting is a great way for gardeners to produce nutrient rich, healthy soil for their plants for free; additionally, composting helps to reduce food waste, which in turn helps the environment. Compost bins are used to store compost and keep it out of the rain, wind and excessive sunlight. There are a number of different types of compost bins and ways of using compost.

How is Compost Made?

Compost is a mixture of organic materials that decompose into dirt that is filled with nutrients. Coffee grounds, vegetable scraps, peanut shells, newspapers, grass cuttings, algae, garden weeds and many other organic and man-made items can be composted. The process of composting is the decomposition of these materials by worms, bacteria and fungi that take up residence in the compost pile. Different types of compost bins can affect the speed of composting. (Source: Composting 101)

Benefits of Square Compost Bins

Square bins are the most common type of compost bin, because they are easy to use, take up little space and can hold a great deal of compost. The design of most square or box compost bins helps eliminate the need to turn the compost; turning compost piles is necessary to avoid anaerobic digestion, which produces methane and ruins compost. Square bins require only a small amount of maintenance, but also produce compost slowly.

Benefits of Using Worm Bins

Worm bins are composting bins that utilize the efficacy of worms in decomposing organic matter. Worm bins are inexpensive to make and maintain, and can even be kept indoors to reduce the space they take up in a garden. Making a worm bin is a simple project; using one can create rich compost in just a few months’ time. Gardeners with limited space often use worm bins for composting. (Source: Washington State University)

Rolling Compost Bins

Rolling and turning compost bins move, either by being pushed or rotated by hand to aerate the compost and expose the bacteria in it to necessary oxygen. These types of compost bins require no hand turning of the compost, which can become a messy and lengthy process, especially in situations where a compost pile is involved. Rolling and turning bins are easy to store and can hold a great deal of compost for use in gardens.

What are the Benefits of Making Compost?

Compost reduces food waste, which is an important environmental concern. 26 percent of American municipal waste takes the form of items that could be composted. When food scraps and other organic matter enters a landfill, it is digested anaerobically; this produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, and contributes to global warming. Composting not only provides gardeners with good soil, it also helps to reduce the impact of humans on the environment. (Source: Environmental Protection Agency)

Compost is easy to make, benefits the environment and makes a garden healthier. The different types of bins are useful for different types of gardeners. Examining a garden for space concerns, aesthetic concerns and the amount of compost needed to benefit a garden can help an individual decide which type of bin is best for her.

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