Even those who aren't sure what crabgrass looks like or whether their lawn is afflicted with it know that these…
The signs of a chemically-dependent lawn are obvious - sparse grass, moss & mildew, yellow spots, insect damage and a…
A green carpet of lawn adds beauty & functionality to a landscape. It can also wreak havoc on both the…
Most lawn care products contain substances that are poisonous, otherwise they would not do the job they are made for…
Often homeowners are baffled why they can't get rid of patchy light brown spots on their lawn. After trying to…
Killing crab grass (also known as "finger grass") is an easy process if it is done properly. Left to its…
The ground may be prepared carefully, seed planted and watered and everyone warned off the area.Then birds come and feast…
Every gardener wants a healthy green lawn. In most regions in North America chemicals are now banned. But gardeners can…
Everyone likes to have a green lawn. In fact, neighbors can get quite competitive in seeing who can get his…
Traditionally late spring and early summer is when a lawn will be at its best with rainfall and rising temperatures…