A home can be a daunting project, one that takes some time and energy to maintain. With hard work, determination,…
Today ginger is grown all over tropical and subtropical regions in Asia, in parts of Africa and South America, and…
Onions are one of the most popular vegetables in the world, and growing onions is a snap in the home…
The Crown of thorns is also known by the names Christ plant, Christ thorns, and Euphorbia milii. A member of…
The moss rose is also known as the solar plant, rose moss, portulaca, or botanically as Portulaca grandiflora. It is…
Although many people know peat moss is a natural product, they may realize peat moss is actually a small unnoticeable…
Peas are a typical springtime crop being planted as soon as the earth is unfrozen enough to turn. They are…
Moss is a flowerless, spore-producing plant that grows in carpet-like patches on the ground, roofs, rocks, and other surfaces. Dry…
Growing wine grapes has an almost romantic allure for some home gardeners, with visions of grape clusters glistening in the…
With dry conditions in place across much of the country, plants that cope with drought are invaluable in your garden.…