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An Orchids How To Care Plan – Five Easy Steps

Caring for orchids is a simple process but it must be understood in order to maintain a beautiful potted plant. Orchids are amazing plants that grow in over 25,000 different species and have over 100,000 different hybrids. They are very popular flowers due to their beauty and elegance. Different species bloom all throughout the year. Potted orchids typically bloom seasonally. It is important to know how to take care of your orchid if you want it to blossom frequently and last for many years.

If you follow this simple orchids how to care plan, you should have beautiful orchids that blossom all year round.

Get into an Orchid Watering Routine

Orchids have to be watered and can never get too wet or too dry. Over watering or under watering the plant will cause it to die very quickly. There is a special media mixture that potted orchids grow in and are supplied in the original pot. Orchids cannot take too much moisture or it will rot the roots, but too little water will dry out the roots, so it is important to provide just the right amount on a regular basis. If you are afraid of over watering the plant, you can use a spray mister. But you have to make sure that the flower does not get too moist or fungus will grow.

Know When to use Fertilizer

The potted orchid will need to receive special plant food made for orchids. You will need to remove the inside pot from any decorative pot you may have and then apply the food to the bottom of the media. When it comes to watering the plant, make sure any excess water drains.

Orchids should not be feed during the latter part of the winter. During the spring time however they should be replenished with the proper nutrients and plant food and they should always be watered on a regular basis.

Get the Temperature Just Right

Orchids also require the right temperature in order to thrive. It cannot be in a room where it is too hot or too cold somewhere in the mid-70s should be fine for most common orchids. They also do not do well with sudden temperature changes. A mild, temperate climate must be maintained. If they orchid is placed in an environment that is too cold, the leaves will turn yellow then fall off. If this happens, you will have to cut away any damaged leaves.

Orchids will bloom on a seasonal basis. These blooms can last up to three months if the plant is in good condition. Blooms tend to open during the night due to the cooler temperatures. It depends on the type, but most orchids will bloom at least once a year if taken care of and properly pruned.

Orchid Repotting and Orchid Pots Are Important

It is critical to re-plant the orchid into a larger pot when it outgrows its original. If an orchid is kept in the same pot too long and outgrows it, then the roots can’t receive the right amount of nutrition which may cause a stunted plant or can even kill it. You have to be very careful when re-potting the orchid plant. The new pot should be large enough to accommodate the growing plant for at least six months.

Use the Correct Potting Media

A final common mistake that many make with terrestrial orchids is planting them in soil. These plants are not made to grow in soil. They need to be in a soil free media in order for the roots to absorb moisture.

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