Lavender is a perennial herb that can grow to three feet tall, depending on the cultivar. Its appearance is "shrubby"…
Also called the Ostrich Fern, fiddlehead's get their name from because they resemble the spiral end of a violin. They…
Shadbush, saskatoon, sugarplum, juneberry...all are names applied to the serviceberry, a North American native with plenty of landscaping potential. Serviceberry…
There are about five species of these stemless, grass-like, evergreen members of the Lily family. All are native to Japan,…
Almond trees have grown in Europe for over 1000 years. Spain is now the world´s second-largest almond producer and almond…
Mandevilla (Dipladenia) produces spectacular flowers of white, pink, red or yellow all summer, and presents a wonderful show whether on a…
Growing strawberries is a great way to enjoy juicy and healthy pieces of this favorite fruit. Almost everybody likes strawberries,…
The organic revolution is in full swing. More and more consumers are choosing to eat healthy, organically-grown foods free of…
Crape myrtles (also crepe) are small uprights trees that can become as tall as 20–30 feet. However smaller varieties can…
Hydrangea is a favorite to many gardeners. Over the past few decades, Hydrangeas have become very popular in the south,…