Categories: Blog Roses

10 Tips for Growing Roses

A lot of controversy surrounds roses. Some gardeners say that roses take too much time, while others insist that they are just as easy to grow as anything else. Growing roses can be fun and easy if you know how to take care of them. Here are some great tips for growing roses.

  • Plant your roses in a location that gets at least 8 hours of sun a day. Roses require a lot of sun, a location that receives full sun all day would be optimal.
  • When buying a rose, make sure that you know a little bit about that rose. Check the zone requirements and insure that it is suitable for your zone. If you buy it at a local nursery or garden department then it will most likely be suitable for your area. If you are buying a rose online or from a mail order catalog check to see that the rose you are purchasing will thrive in your zone.
  • Roses need a well drained location. Insure that you aren’t planting your roses in an area that doesn’t drain well. Marshy, boggy areas will need amending to ensure that the rose gets proper drainage and avoid root rot.
  • Choose an area that you will be able to get water to easily. Depending on your soil and weather conditions roses will need to be watered often. The soil must stay moist at all times to insure that it gets the ample water that it will need.
  • Prune every spring to encourage new growth.
  • Fertilize with a rose fertilizer once a month or as the package says. Roses need optimal nutrients to provide a beautiful display of foliage and blooms.
  • Choose roses that are disease resistant. This will help save your time and money trying to take care of a sick rose.
  • Choose an insecticide and follow the directions on the package and apply to your roses as often as it says. This will keep aphids and other pests away that will eventually eat the foliage, injure the rose and even kill it.
  • Purchase a rose fungicide and apply as directed on the package. Ortho puts out a great product that only needs to be applied every two weeks but does a stellar job at treating and preventing Black Spot, Rust, Powdery Mildew and several other diseases.
  • Cut back any spent blooms as soon as they wilt. This will insure new blooms will arrive much sooner and maintain vigor.

Following these basic tips will help insure you get the most out of your roses. Roses are not hard to grow but, as with any plant, they do need a little attention to help them grow into beautiful bushes that will give a you a beautiful show, year after year.

Learn more about growing roses with these great articles:

How to Grow Roses from Stem Cuttings

How to Plant Bare-Root Roses

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